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1.Weinberg, R. S.、Seabourne, T. G.、Jackson, A.(1981)。Effects of visuo-motor behavior rehearsal, relaxation, and imagery on karate performance。Journal of Sport Psychology,3(3),228-238。  new window
2.Martin, G.、Hrycaiko, D.(1983)。Effective behavioral coaching: What's it all about?。Journal of Sport Psychology,5,8-20。  new window
3.Gravel, R.、Lemieux, G.、Ladouceur, R.(1980)。Effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment package for cross-country ski racing。Cognitive Therapy and Research,4(1),83-89。  new window
4.Lang, P. J.(1977)。Imagery in therapy: An information-processing analysis of fear。Behavior Therapy,8(5),862-886。  new window
5.吳英璋(1985)。國中學期中考試焦慮現象之調查研究。中華心理學刊,2(2),131-140。  延伸查詢new window
6.Sackett, R. S.(1934)。The influences of symbolic rehearsal upon the retention of a maze habit。Journal of Genernal Psychology,10,376-395。  new window
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8.Denis, M.(1985)。Visual imagery and the use of mental practice in the development of motor skills。Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences,10(4),4S-16S。  new window
9.Wollman, N.(1986)。Research on imagery and motor performance: three methodological suggestions。Journal of Sport Psychology,8,124-128。  new window
10.Richardson, A.(1967)。Mental practice: A review and discussion。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,38(1),95-107。  new window
11.Richardson, A.(1967)。Mental practice: A review and discussion。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,38(2),263-273。  new window
12.Adams, H.、Brantley, P.、Maltesta, V.、Turkat, I.(1981)。Modification of cognitive processes: A case study of schizophrenia。Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,49(3),460-464。  new window
13.Cautella, J.、Baron. M.(1977)。Covert conditioning: A theoretical analysis。Behavior Modification,1,351-368。  new window
14.DeWitt, D.(1980)。Cognitive and biofeedback training for stress reduction with university athletes。Journal of Sport Psychology,2(4),288-294。  new window
15.Farkas, G.、Tharp, R.(1980)。Observation procedure, observer gender, and behavior valence as determinants of sampling error in a behavior assessment analogue。Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,1(3),529-536。  new window
16.Feltz, D.、Landers, D.(1983)。The effects of mental practice on motor skill learning and performance: Ameta-analysis。Journal of Sport Psychology,5(1),25-57。  new window
17.Hamberger, K.、Lohr, J.(1980)。Rational restructuring for anger control: A quasi-experimental case study。Cognitive Therapy and Research,4(1),99-102。  new window
18.Hebb, D.(1968)。Concerning imagery。Psychological Review,75(6),466-477。  new window
19.Holt, R.(1964)。Imagery: The return of the ostracized。American Psychologist,19,254-264。  new window
20.Jacobson, E.(1930)。Electrical measurements of neuromuscular states during mental activities: I. Imagination of movement involving skeletal muscles。American Journal of Physiology,91,547-608。  new window
21.Kazdin, A.、Smith, G.(1979)。Covert conditioning: A review and evaluation。Advances in Behavior Research and Therapy,2,57-96。  new window
22.Kendall, G.、Hrycaiko, D.、Martin, G. L.、Kendall, T.(1990)。The effects of an imagery rehearsal, relaxation, and self-talk package on basketball game performance。Journal of sport and exercise psychology,12(2),157-166。  new window
23.Marks, D.(1977)。Imagery and consciousness: A theoretical review from an individual differences perspective。Journal of Mental Imagery,2,275-290。  new window
24.McKay, D.(1981)。The problem of rehearsal or mental practic。Journal of Motor Behavior,13(4),274-285。  new window
25.Noel, R.(1980)。The effect of visuo-motor behavior rehearsal on tennis performance。Journal of Sport Psychology,2(3),221-226。  new window
26.Rush, A.、Shaw, B.、Khatami, M.(1980)。Cognitive therapy of depression: Utilizing the couples system。Cognitive Therapy and Research,4(1),103-113。  new window
27.Sheikh, A.、Panagiotou, N.(1975)。Use of mental imagery in psychotherapy: A critical review。Perceptual and Motor Skills,41,555-585。  new window
28.Suinn, R.(1972)。Behavioral rehearsal training for ski racers。Behavior Therapy,3,519-520。  new window
29.簡曜輝(19821200)。競技運動與焦慮。體育學報,4,37-43。new window  延伸查詢new window
30.Meyers, A.、Schleser, R.(1980)。A cognitive behavioral intervention for improving basketball performance。Journal of Sport Psychology,2,69-73。  new window
1.簡曜輝(1985)。心智複演在運動競技上的應用。七十四年度體育學術研討會,大專體育總會 393-399。  延伸查詢new window
2.沈連魁(1991)。比較射箭選手在肌電活動生物回饋和漸進放鬆訓練後的心跳率和額頭肌電的活動。大專體育總會80年度體育學術研討會,435-446。  延伸查詢new window
3.Martens, R.(1982)。Images in sport。The VII Commonwealth and International Conference on Sport, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance。Brisbane, australia。  new window
4.Marktesn, R.、Burton, D.、Vealey, R.、Bump, L.、Smith, D.(1982)。Competitive anxiety: Cognitive and somatic dimensions。Symposium at the North American Society of the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Conference。University of Maryland。  new window
1.Smith, D.(1987)。Evaluation of an imagery training program with intercollegiate basketball players(博士論文)。University of Illinois at Urbana。  new window
1.吳英璋、金樹人、許文耀、教育部訓育委員會(1991)。面對壓力:身心健康手冊。教育部訓育委員會。  延伸查詢new window
2.Sage, G.(1977)。Introduction to motor behavior: A neuropsychological approach。Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley。  new window
3.Jacobson, E.(1938)。Progressive relaxation。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
4.Weiss, Carol H.(1972)。Evaluation research: Methods of assessing program effectiveness。Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall。  new window
5.Sheikh, A.、Schaffer, J.(1979)。The potential of fantasy and imagination。New York:Brandon House。  new window
6.Schmidt, R. A.(1982)。Motor control and learning: A behavioral emphasis。Champaign, Illinois:Human Kinetics。  new window
7.Nideffer, R. M.(1976)。The inner athlete: Mind plus muscle for winning。N. Y.:Thomas Y. Crowell。  new window
8.Suinn, R. M.(1986)。Seven Steps to Peak Performance: The Mental training Manual for Athletes。Lewiston, NY:Toronto:Hans Huber。  new window
9.Garfield, C. A.、Bennett, H.(1984)。Peak performance: Mental training techniques of the world's greatest athletes。LA:Jeremy P. Tarcher。  new window
10.Richardson, A.(1969)。Mental Imagery。New York:Springer。  new window
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13.金亨鐸、蘇黃賢(1990)。中華民國射箭基本教材。中華體總。  延伸查詢new window
14.DeVore, S.、DeVore, G.、Michaelson, M.(1981)。Syber vision: Muscle memory programming for every sport。Chicago:Review press。  new window
15.Gallwey, W.(1976)。Inner tennis: playing the game。New York:Random House。  new window
16.Jane, P.(1898)。Nervosed et idees fixed。Paris:Alcan。  new window
17.Klinger, E.(1971)。The structure and function of fantas。New York:Wiley。  new window
18.Maltz, M.(1960)。Psycho-cybernetics: A new way to get more living out of life。New Jersey:Prentice-Hall。  new window
19.Marktens, R.(1977)。Sprot competition anxiety test。Champaingn, II.:Human Kinetics。  new window
20.Singer, R.(1991)。Journal of Physical Education and Sport。  new window
21.Singer, J.、Pope, K.(1978)。The power of human imagination。New York:Plenum。  new window
22.Suinn, R.(1980)。Psychology in sports: Methods and applications。Minneapolis:Burgess。  new window
23.Watkins, M.(1976)。Waking Dreams。New York:Harper。  new window
1.Martens, R.(1983)。Imagery in sport questionnaire。  new window
2.Smith, D.,Martens, R.,Brutoon, D.,Vealey, R.,Bump, L.(1982)。Psychological testing of the gymnastic teams at the National Sports Festival。  new window
1.Jone, S.(1979)。Case studies and observations of four Mainstreamed preschool children。  new window
2.Loehr, J.(1979)。Athletic excellence training: Mental conditioning for sports,Denver, Co.:Athletic Excellence Inc.。  new window
3.Whit, D.(1980)。Erickson hypnotherapeutic approaches: A case study of the treatment of obesity using indirect forms of suggestion。  new window
1.Cautella, J.、McCullough, L.(1978)。Coven conditioning; Leaking theory perspective on imagery。The power of human imagination。New York:Plenum press。  new window
2.Eccles, J.(1972)。Possible synaptic mechanisms subserving learning。Brain and human behavior。New York:Springer-Verlag。  new window
3.Klinger, E.(1980)。Therapy and the flow of thought。Imagery: It's many dimensions and applications。New York:Plenum。  new window
4.Marks, D.(1983)。Mental imagery and consciousness: A theoretical review。Imagery: Current theory, research, and application。New York:Wiley。  new window
5.Meichenbaum, D.(1978)。Why does using imagery in psychotherapy lead to change?。The power of Human imagination。New York:Plenum。  new window
6.Sheikh, A.、Jordon, C.(1983)。Clinical uses of mental imagery。Imagery: Current theory, research, and application。New York:John Wiley & Sons。  new window
7.Suinn, R.(1976)。Visuo-motor behavior rehearsal for adaptive behavior。Counseling methods。New York:Holt Rinehart & Winston。  new window
8.Suinn, R. M.(1983)。Imagery and sports。Imagery: Current theory, research and application。New York:John Wiley & Sons。  new window
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