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     近年來若干研究者致力於學習障礙兒童後設認知歷程之探討。後設認知 是指個體對自己認知活動的了解與監控,為有效學習所不可或缺者。本文之目的 在比較學習障礙兒童與普通兒童後設認知歷程之差異,並探討有效增進其後設認 知技巧之教學方法。下面各節將分別討論後設認知的性質,能力缺陷論與後設認 知缺陷論對學習障礙的觀點,學習障礙兒童後設認知歷程與後設認知技巧之教 學,最後提出結論與建議,以作為改進學習障礙兒童教學之參考。
1.Smith, H. K.(1967)。The responses of good and poor readers when asked to read for different purposes。Reading Research Quarterly,3(1),53-84。  new window
2.Markman, E. M.、Gorin, L.(1981)。Children's ability to adjust their standards for evaluating comprehension。Journal of Educational Psychology,73,320-325。  new window
3.Brown, A. L.、Palincsar, A. S.(1982)。Inducing Strategic Learning from Texts by Means of Informed, Self-Control Training。Topics in Learning and Learning Disabilities,2(1),1-18。  new window
4.Slife, B. D.、Weiss, J.、Bell, T.(1985)。Separability of metacognition and cognition: Problem solving in learning disabled and regular students。Journal of Education Psychology,77(4),437-445。  new window
5.Lloyd, J.、Saltzman, N. J.、Kauffman, J. M.(1981)。Predictable generalization in academic learning as a result of preskills and strategy training。Learning Disability Quarterly,4,203-216。  new window
6.Palincsar, A. S.(1986)。Metacognitive strategy instruction。Exceptional Children,53(2),118-124。  new window
7.Loper, A. B.、Hallahan, D. P.、Ianna, S. O.(1982)。Meta-attention in learning disabled and normal students。Learning Disability Quarterly,5,29-36。  new window
8.Chan, L. K. S.、Cole, P. G.(1986)。The effect of comprehension monitoring training on the reading competence of learning disabilities and regular class students。Remedial and Special Education,7(4),33-40。  new window
9.Wong, B. Y. L.(1979)。Increasing retention of main ideas through questioning strategies。Learning Disability Quarterly,2,42-47。  new window
10.Wong, B. Y. L.(1982)。Strategic behaviors in selecting retrieval cues in gifted, normal achieving and learning-disabled children。Journal of Learning Disabilities,15(1),33-37。  new window
11.Markman, Ellen M.(1979)。Realizing That You Don't Understand: Elementary School Children's Awareness of Inconsistencies。Child Development,50(3),643-655。  new window
12.Harris, K.、Graham, S.(1985)。Improving learning disabled students' composition skills: A self-control strategy training approach。Learning Disability Quarterly,8(1),27-36。  new window
13.Torgesen, J. K.(1977)。The role of nonspecific factors in the task performance of learning-disabled children: A theoretical assessment。Journal of Learning Disabilities,10,27-34。  new window
14.Gelzheiser, L. M.(1984)。Generalization from categorical memory tasks to prose by learning disabled adolescents。Journal of Educational Psychology,78,1128-1138。  new window
15.Patterson, C. J.、Cosgrove, J. M.、O'Brien, R. G.(1980)。Nonverbal indicants of comprehension and noncomprehension in children。Developmental Psychology,16,38-48。  new window
16.Shumaker, J.、Deshler, D.、Alley, G.、Warner, M.、Denton, P.(1984)。Multipass: A learning strategy for improving reading comprehension。Learning Disability Quarterly,5(2),295-304。  new window
17.Smiley, S. S.、Oaken, D.-D.、Worthen, D.、Campione, J. C.、Brown, A. L.(1977)。Recall of thematically relevant material by adolescent good and poor readers as a function of written versuu oral presentation。Journal of Educational Psychology,69,381-387。  new window
18.Strang, R.、Rogers, C.(1965)。How do students read a short story?。English Journal,54,819-823。  new window
19.Tarver, S. G.、Hallahan, D. P.、Cohen, S. B.、Kauffman, J.(1977)。Visual selection attention and verbal rehearsal in LD boys。Journal of Learning Disabilities,10,491-500。  new window
20.Tarver, S. G.、Hallahan, D. P.、Kauffman, J. M.、Ball, D. W.(1976)。Verbal rehearsal and selective attention in children with learning disabilities: A developmental lag。Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,22,375-385。  new window
21.Torgesen, J. K.(1979)。Factors related to poor performance on rote memory tasks in reading-disabled children。Learning Disabilities Quarterly,2,17-23。  new window
22.Jones, W.、Wong, B. Y. L.(1982)。Increasing Metacomprehension in Learning Disabled and Normally Achieving Students through Self-questioning Training。Learning Disability Quarterly,5(3),228-240。  new window
23.Kreutzer, M. A.、Leonard, C.、Flavell, J. H.(1975)。An interview study of children's knowledge about memory。Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,40(1)=159,1-60。  new window
1.Forrest, D. L.、Waller, T. G.(1980)。What do children know about their reading and study skills。The annual meeting of the American Eduational Research Association。Boston, MA。  new window
2.Gerber, M. M.(1982)。Effects of self-monitoring training on spelling performance of learning disabled and normally-achieving students。New York。  new window
1.Baker, L.(1979)。Do I understand or do I not understands That is the question。Champaign, IL:University of Ilinois, Center for the Study of Reading。  new window
2.Dawson, M. M.、Hallahan, D. P.、Reeve, R. E.、Ball, D. W.(1979)。The effect of reinforcement and verbal rehearsal on selective attention in learning-disabled children。Virginia:Virginia Research Institute on Learning Disabilities, University of Virginia。  new window
3.Winograd, P.、Johnson, P.(1980)。Comprehension monitoring and the error detection paradigm。Urbana:University of Illinois, Center for the Study of Reading。  new window
1.Palincsar, A. S.(1982)。Improving the reading comprehension of junior high students through reciprocal teaching of comprehension-monitoring strategies(博士論文)。University of Illinois。  new window
1.Lerner, J.(1981)。Learning disabilities: Theories, diagnosis, and teaching strategies。Boston:Houghton Miffin。  new window
2.Flavell, John H.(1985)。Cognitive development。Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall。  new window
3.Myers, P.、Hammill, D. D.(1982)。Methods for learning disabilities。New York:Wiley。  new window
1.Garner, R.,Hare, V. C.,Alexander, P.,Haynes, J.,Winograd, P.(1982)。Inducing use of a text look back strategy among unsuccessful readers,University of Maryland。  new window
2.Torgesen, J. K.(1984)。Listening comprehension in LD children with adequate or poor short-term memory,State University of Florida。  new window
1.Anderson, T. H.(1980)。Study strategies and adjunct aids。Theoretical issues in Reading Comprehension。Hillsdale, N. J:Erlbaum。  new window
2.Baker, L.、Brown, A. L.(1984)。Cognitive monitoring in reading。Understanding reading comprehension: Cognition, language and the structure of prose。International Reading Association。  new window
3.Flavell, J. H.(1976)。Metacognition Aspects of problem-solving。The nature of intelligence。Hillsdale, New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum。  new window
4.Baker, L.、Brown, A. L.(1984)。Metacognitive skills and reading。Handbook of reading research。New York, NY:Longman。  new window
5.Brown, A. L.(1980)。Metacognitive development and reading。Theoretical issues in reading comprehension: perspectives from cognitive psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence and education。Hillsdale, New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.。  new window
6.Brown, A. L.(1982)。Metacognition, executive control, self-regulation and other even more mysterious mechanisms。Learning by thinking。Kuhlhammer。  new window
7.Hagen, J. W.、Barclay, C. R.(1981)。The development of memory skills in children: Portraying learning disabilities in terms of strategy and knowledge deficiencies。The Best of ACLD。Rochester:Syracuse University Press。  new window
8.Wellman, H. M.(1983)。Metamemory revisited。Trends in memory development research。Basel:Karger。  new window
9.Brown, A. L.(1978)。Knowing when, where, and how to remember: A problem of metacognition。Advances in instructional psychology。Lawrence Erlbaum Associates。  new window
10.Flavell, J. H.(1981)。Cognitive monitoring。Children's oral communication skills。New York:Academic Press。  new window
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