

作者:陳坤檸 引用關係
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1.Larsson, L.、Grimby, G.、Karlsson, J.(1979)。Muscle strength and speed of movement in relation to age and muscle morphology。J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol.,46(3),451-456。  new window
2.Eriksson, B. O.、Gollnick, P. G.、Saltin, B.(1973)。Muscle metabolism and enzyme activities after training in boys 11-13 years old。Acta Physiologica Scandinavica,87(4),485-497。  new window
3.Gollnick, P. D.、Armstrong, R. B.、Saltin, B.、Saubert, C. W.、Sembrowich, W. L.、Shepherd, R. E.(1973)。Effect of training on enzyme activity and fiber composition of human skeletal muscle。Journal of Applied Physiology,34(1),107-111。  new window
4.Gollnick, P. D.、Armstrong, R. B.、Saubert IV, C. W.、Piehl, K.、Saltin, B.(1972)。Enzyme activity and fiber composition in skeletal muscle of untrained and trained men。Journal of Applied Physiology,3,312-319。  new window
5.Lesmes, E. R.、Costill, D. L.、Coyle, E. F.、Fink, W. J.(1978)。Muscle strength and power changes during maximal isokinetic training。Medicine and Science in Sports,10(4),266-269。  new window
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8.Anderson, T.、Kearney, J. T.(1982)。Effects of Three Resistance Training Programs on Muscular Strength and Absolute and Relative Endurance。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,53(1),1-7。  new window
9.Bell, R. D.、MacDougall, J. D.、Bil-leter, R.、Howald, H.(1980)。Muscle fiber types and morphometric analysis of skeletal muscle in six-year-old children。Medicine Science in Sport and Exercise,12,28-31。  new window
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11.Barnard, R. J.、Edgerton, V. R.、Peter, J. B.(1970)。Effect of exercise on skeletal muscle。Journal of Applied Physiology,28,767-770。  new window
12.Colling-Saltin, A. S.(1978)。Skeletal muscle development in the human fetus and during childhood。Children and Exercise,9,193-207。  new window
13.Essen-Gustavsson, B.、Borges, O.(1986)。Histochemical and metabolic characteristics of human skeletal muscle in relation to age。Acta Physiologica Scand,126,107-144。  new window
14.Grimby, G.、Danneskiold-Samsoe, B.、Havid, K.、Saltin, B.(1982)。Morphology and enzymatic capacity in arm and leg muscles in 78-81 year old men and women。Acta Physiologica Scand,115,125-134。  new window
15.Häkkinen, K.、Koini, P. V.、Tesch, P.(1981)。Effects of combined concentric and eccentric strength training and detraining on force-time, muscle fiber and metabolic characteristics of leg extensor muscles。Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise,3,50-58。  new window
16.Jasson, E.、Kaijser, L.(1977)。Muscle adaptation to exercise endurance training in men。Acta Physiologica Scand,100,315-324。  new window
17.Kaldor, G.、DiBattista, W. J.(1978)。Effect of age on contraction of mammalian skeletal muscle。Aging,6,1-21。  new window
18.Larsson, L.、Sjodin, B.、Karls-son, J.(1978)。Histochemical and biochemical changes in human skeletal muscle with age in sedentary males, age 22-65 years。Acta Physiologica Scand,103,31-39。  new window
19.Melichna, J.、Zauner, C. W.、Havlickova, L.、Novak, J.、Hill, D. W.、Colman, R. J.(1990)。Morphologic differences in skeletal muscle with age in mormally active human males and their well-trained counterparts。Human Biology,62,1205-1220。  new window
20.Moritani, T.、De Vries, H. A.(1980)。Potential for gross muscle hypertrophy in older men。journal of Gerontology,35,672-682。  new window
21.Orlander, J.、Aniansson, A.(1980)。Effects of physical training on skeletal muscle metabolism and ultrastructure。Acta Physiologica Scand,109,149-154。  new window
22.Orlander, J.、Kiessling, K. H.、Larsson, L.、Karlsson, J.、Aniansson, A.(1978)。Skeletal muscle metabolism and ultrastructure in relation to age in sedentary men。Acta Physiologica Scand,104,249-261。  new window
23.Sjogaard, G.、Houston, M. E.、Ny-gaard, E.、Saltin, B.(1978)。Subgrouping of fast twitch fibers in skeletal muscles of man。Histochemistry,58,79-82。  new window
24.Zauner, C. W.、Maksud, M. G.、Melichna, J.(1989)。Physiological considerations in training young athletes。Sport Medicine,8,15-31。  new window
25.Houston, M. E.、Froese, E. A.、Valeriote, P.(1983)。Muscle performance, morphology and metabolic capacity during strength training and detraining: a one leg model。European Journal of Applied Physiology,51,25-35。  new window
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2.Brooks, G. A.、Fahey, T. D.(1984)。Exercise Physiology: Human Bioenergetics and its Application。New York:John Wiley & Sons。  new window
3.Battinellis, T.(1989)。Physique and fitness-The influence of body build on physical performance。New York:Human sciences Press。  new window
4.De Vries, H. A.(1986)。Physiology of exercise-For physical education and athletics。Dubuque, IA:Web Publishers。  new window
5.Leslie, D. K.(1989)。Mature stuff: physical activity for the older adult。CAAD:ARAPCS:AAHPERD。  new window
1.Hennie, N. J.(1983)。The composition of muscle fibers in a group adolescents。  new window
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