

作者:馮震宇 引用關係
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1.Menell, Peter S.(1989)。An Analysis of the Scope of Copyright Protection for Application Programs。Stanford Law Review,41,1045-1048。  new window
2.徐璧湖(19910100)。電腦程式之著作權保護範圍。法學叢刊,36(1)=141,68-88。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Keplinger、Frase(1977)。Hole of CONTU in Computers & Photocopying。IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication PC,20,155。  new window
4.Philips, John C.(1992)。Sue Generis Intellectual Property projection for Computer Software。George Washington L. Rev.,60,997-999。  new window
5.Hardy, I. T.(1992)。The policy, Law, And Facts of Copyrighting Computer Screen Displays: An Essay。Computer/Law J.,11,373+375。  new window
6.Spivack, Comment(1988)。Does Form Follow Function? The Idea/Expression Dichotomy in Copyright: Protection of Computer Software。UCLA L. Rev.,35。  new window
7.(1990)。David S. Elkins, NEC v. INTEL: A Guide to Using "Clean Room" Procedures As Evidence。Computer/Law J.,10,453。  new window
8.Stern, Richard H.(1991)。Copyright in Computer Programming Languages。Rutgers Computer & Technology L. J.,17,321。  new window
9.Gutterman, Alan S.(1992)。International Intellectual property: A Summary of Recent Developments And Issues for The Coming Decade。Computer & High Technology J.,8,335。  new window
10.馮震宇(19930500)。中美對侵害資訊產品之進口救濟與廠商防範之道。電工資訊雜誌,29,74-79。  延伸查詢new window
11.Lundberg, Steven W.、Gates, George H. III、Sumner, John P.(1990)。Baker v. Selden, Computer Programs, 17 U. S. C. Section 102 (b) And Whelan revisited。Hamline L. Rev.,13,221+232-235。  new window
12.(1990)。Idea, Process, or Protected Expression? Determining the Scope of Copyright Protection of the Structure of Computer Programs。Michigan L. Rev.,88,866。  new window
13.Zadra-Symes, Linda(1992)。Computer Associates v. Altai: The Retreat from Whelan v. Jaslow。EIPW,9,327。  new window
14.Rinck, Gary M.(1992)。The Maturing US Law on Copyright Protection for Computer Programs: Computer Associates v. Altai and Other Recent Case Pevelopment。EIPW,10,351。  new window
15.Rinck, Gary M.(1992)。Decisions: Computer Associates v. Altai。Computer Law & Practice,8,96。  new window
16.Davidson(1989)。Reverse Engineering, The Development of Compatible And competitive Products Under United States Law。Santa Clara Computer & High Technology L. J.,5,401+416。  new window
17.Chisum、Dreyfuss、Goldstein、Gorman、Karjala、Kitch、Menell、Raskind、Reichman、Samuelson(1989)。LaSt Frontier Conference Report on Copyright protection of computer Software。Jurimetrics J.,30,15-26。  new window
18.Verdesca(1991)。Copyrighting the User Inter face; Too Much Protection?。Southwestern L. J.,45,1047。  new window
19.Bixby(1991)。Systhesis and Originality in Computer Screen Displays and User Interfaces: The "Look and Feel" Cases。Wiliamette L. Rev.,27,31。  new window
20.(1990)。Copyrighting "Look and Feel": Manufacturers Technologies v. Cams。Harv. J. L. & Tech.,3,195。  new window
21.Duflock, Walter G.(1992)。Look and Feel": A proposed solution to The Diverging Views Between The Software Industry And The Courts。Santa Clara Computer & High Technology L. J.,8,447+456。  new window
22.Abramson, Ronald(1990)。Why Lotus-Paperback: Uses The Wrong Test and What The New Software Protection Legislation Should Look Like。The Computer Lawyer,7(8)。  new window
23.Voss, Christopher(1992)。The Legal Protection of Computer Program in the European Economic Community。Computer/Law J.,11,441-442。  new window
24.(1993)。Legal Projection of Computer Software in Europe--1993。Information Technology Law Group/Europe Bulletin,1993(Spring)。  new window
25.Teter, Timothy S.(1993)。Merger and the Machines: An Analysis of the Pro-Compatibility Trend in Computer Software Copyright Cases。Stanford L. Rev.,45,1061。  new window
26.Band, Jonathan、Steiberg, Richard H.、Vinje, Thomas C.(1992)。The U. S. Decision in Computer Associates v. Altai Compared to the EC Software Directive: Transatlantic Convergence of Copyright Standards Favouring software Interoperability。Computer Law & Practice,8,137+141-142。  new window
27.吳啟賓(19921100)。我國法院對科技類智慧財產權之審判案例。法令月刊,43(11),11-15。new window  延伸查詢new window
28.吳啟賓(19921200)。我國法院對科技類智慧財產權之審判案例。法令月刊,43(12),5-9。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.陳家駿、呂榮海(1987)。電腦軟體著作權。臺北市:蔚理。  延伸查詢new window
2.劉江彬(1986)。資訊法論--電腦與法律問題之探討。台北市。  延伸查詢new window
3.謝銘洋、陳家駿、馮震宇、陳逸南、蔡明誠(1992)。著作權法解讀。台北市:月旦出版社。  延伸查詢new window
4.(1992)。Nimmer on Copyright。Matthew Bender。  new window
5.(1992)。美國海關保護智慧財產權作業要點手冊。中華民國全國工業總會保護智慧財產權委員會。  延伸查詢new window
6.(19930423)。Mealey's Litigation Reports-Intellectual Property。  new window
7.(1992)。資訊法務透析。  延伸查詢new window
8.(1993)。資訊法務透析。  延伸查詢new window
9.(1992)。Computer Law & Practice。  new window
10.Warnot, James R. Jr.(1991)。Software Copyright Protection in the European Community: Existing Law And An Analysis of The Proposed Council Directive。Santa。  new window
11.Clara Compute & Technology L. J.。  new window
12.Kestermans, J.、Arckens, I.(1990)。International Computer Law。  new window
1.馮震宇(19930215)。IC及於物品保護與還原工程之新趨勢。  延伸查詢new window
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