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     本文就美國更生矯治(Rehabilitation)各種計劃中之緩刑(Probation)、假釋(Parole)、轉化(Diversion)、與監獄革新(Prison Reform)等,探討其執行之矯治效益。並針對歸納之結論,探討未來更生矯治之角色。 資料顯示,各種矯治計劃之成效不一。就緩刑而言,因計劃內容、執行品質、與決策之失當,尚難發揮績效,惟仍具正面之矯治功能。假釋之成效,爭議頗多。其立意雖佳,亦稍其效益,然因監獄人滿為患,假釋竟成為解決問題之方法,方向已偏。轉化對於降低再犯率雖有部份貢獻,然對於嚴重非法少年,殊難矯治。再者,因刑事司法機構僵化處事與過分干預,加上社區成員缺乏熱心,造成功效未能完全發揮。監獄之矯治功能,長期以來,倍受詬病。最新之「新監獄作業(Prison Industry)」矯治計劃,其效益仍待詳細評估之中。 結論指出,未來矯治計劃,仍應以輕罪或惡性不重之對象為主。除刑事司法體系加強推動外,透過「社區重整(Reintegration)」之觀念,各種矯治計劃或能增加效益。在研究層次,長程研究(LongitudinalResearch)與觀察法(Observation)當有助於各種計劃之修正與改善。綜而言之,惟有整體社會機構加強參與,更生矯治方能奏效。
1.Bailey Walter C.(1966)。Correctional Outcome: An Evaluation of 100 Reports。Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science,57(2),153-160。  new window
2.Decker, Scott H.(1985)。A Systematic Analysis of Diversion: Net Widening and Beyond。Journal of Criminal Justice,13(3),207-216。  new window
3.Gendreau, Paul、Ross, Robert R.(1987)。Revivification of Rehabilitation Evidence from the 1980s。Justice Quarterly,4(3),349-407。  new window
4.Palmer, Ted(1980)。A Differentiated Approach to Juvenile Diversion。Journal of Research in Crime,17(2),216。  new window
5.Robison, James、Smith, Gerald(1971)。The Effectiveness of Correctional Programs。Crime and Delinquency,17(1),67-80。  new window
6.Selke, William L.(1982)。Diversion and Crime Prevention。Criminology,20(3)。  new window
7.O'Leary, Vincent I.、Duffee, David(1971)。Correctional Policy: A Classification of Goals Designed for Change。Crime and Delinquency,17(4),373-386。  new window
8.Martinson, Robert(1974)。What works?--Questions and Answers about Prison Reform。The Public Interest,35,22-54。  new window
1.Palmer, Ted(1978)。Correctional Intervention and Research。Lexington, Mass.:Lexington Books。  new window
2.Walker, Samuel(1989)。Sense and nonsense about crime: A Policy Guide。Monterey, CA:Brooks/Cole。  new window
3.Banks, J.、Porter, A. L.、Rardin, R. L.、Silver, T. R.、Unger, V. E.(1977)。Evaluation of Intensive Special Probation Projects National Evaluation Program, Phase I。Washington, DC:U. S. Government Printing Office。  new window
4.American Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice and Goals(1973)。Corrections。Washington, DC:U. S. Government Printing Office。  new window
5.Clark Foundation(1982)。Overcrowded Time: Why Prisons Are So Crowded and What Can Be Done。New York。  new window
6.Glaser, Daniel(1964)。The Effectiveness of a Prison and Parole System。Indianapolis:Bobbs-Merrill。  new window
7.Greenwood, Peter W.(1982)。Selective Incapacitation。Santa Monica, Calif.:The Rand Corporation。  new window
8.Gottfredson, Michael R.、Gottfredson, Don M.(1980)。Decision-Making in Criminal Justice: Toward the Rational Exercise of Discretion。Cambridge, Massachusetts:Ballinger。  new window
9.Morris, Norvel(1974)。The Future of Imprisonment。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
10.National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals(1973)。Corrections。Washington, DC:U. S. Government Printing Office。  new window
11.McCarthy, Belinda R.、McCarthy, Bernard J. Jr.(1984)。Community-Based Corrections。Monterey, CA:Brooks/Cole。  new window
12.Sechrest, Lee、White, Susan O.、Brown, Elizabeth D.(1979)。The Rehabilitation of Criminal Offenders: Problems and Prospects。Washington, DC:National Academy of Sciences。  new window
13.Schur, Edwin M.(1973)。Radical Non-intervention: Rethinking the Delinquency Problem。Prentice-Hall。  new window
14.Sandhu, Harjit S.(1981)。Diversion: Improving Juvenile Justice。New York:Human Sciences Press。  new window
15.Shermen, Michael、Hawkins, Gordon(1981)。Imprisonment in America: Choosing the Future。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
16.U. S. Department of Justice(1981)。Diversion of Felony Arrests: An Experiment in Pretrial Intervention。Washington, DC:U. S. Government Printing Office。  new window
17.Wolfgang, Marvin E.、Thornberry, Terence P.、Figlio, Robert M.(1987)。From Boy to Man, From Delinquency to Crime。University of Chicago Press。  new window
1.Thornton, Warren(1973)。Prevention Delinquency through Diversion。Federal Probation。  new window
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