

題名:Assisting Upper Elementary School Students to Learn Mathematics Through Technology Education
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     本文在探討台灣國民小學學生,統整數學和科技教育之重要性。文中指 出台灣國小學生在數學教育中存在兩項問題,一是教學活動仍太偏重記憶,二是 數學教育和台灣即將邁入高度科技化之社會缺乏關連性,本文將就此等問題提供 改進之道,亦即;利用「建構之學習理論」,透過傳播科技 (Communication Technology),運輸科技(Transportation Technology),和動力能源科技(Power & Energy Technology)進行統整教學。 人類學習大部份是屬於「建構」之歷程(Constructive Process)。學習者把新的知識 放進他們的知識庫中並不表示學習結束,而是必須將舊有的知識和新的知識連結 (connection),從而新的關係才能建溝在舊有的基礎上。建構論者認為學習和下面 敘述攸關;一是學習前之知識,二是學習者之學習形態(learning styles),三是教學 中是否著重深度地瞭解而非太廣而囫圇吞。 總之,人類社會之各層面都和科技有關,科技教育可提供學校老師在數學教學中 統整學習之機會,並可使教室之環境和真實環境結合,從而增強學生之學習。
     The importance of integrated technology and mathematics at theupper elementary levels in Taiwan is disscussed. This article addressestwo issues concerning about Taiwan upper elementary levelmathematics education. One is an overemphasis on memorization. Theother is the lack of connection between mathematics and the rapidlychanging technology-based society. Suggestions for improvement areprovided through communication technology, transportation technology,and power and energy technology, using the constructivist learningmethod. Human learning is largely a constructive process. Learners do notsimply add new information to their store of knowledge. Instead, theymust connect the new information to already established knowledgestructures and construct new relationships among those structures. Theconstructivist views of learning are linked to three related ideas priorknowledge, student learning styles, and concentration of teaching ondepth and understanding, rather than breath of coverage andknowledge of vocabulary. In summary, all elements of human society are in some waytouched by technology. Technology education offers teachers theopportunity to integrate mathematics and brings to the classroomenvironment pratical and realistic possibilities for student learning.
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