

作者:張高評 引用關係
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     唐詩與宋詩,為中國詩歌發展之兩大高峰。宋詩傳承唐詩之優良規範, 又注重整合融會,順應雅俗相濟,於是破體為詩,開創新局;其特點只在能變:變 唐人之所已能,而出其所自得。變唐與自得之間:「出位之思」尤所在意,「以 劇喻詩」為其中科際融合.規範變異之或功嘗試。就蘇軾、黃庭堅詩為例,雜劇 藝術之可能影響有三:一、雜劇演出重視慘澹經營,黃庭堅作詩注重布置安排、 預設法式。二、雜劇表演「臨了打譚」,既要切題可笑,又須退思有味;蘇黃作 詩,通於打諢,以真實相出游戲法,故詩多「戲言而近莊,反言以顯正」。三、 雜劇以主文譎諫,卒章顯志為技法,以諫諍鑑戒、箴諷時政為使命,此與溫柔敦 厚之詩教相通。雜劇之特質為弄影戲語,其語俚俗盡實,其年真假相半,此與蘇 黃詩之以俗為雅、虛實相生可以相互發明,雜劇表演如優孟衣冠,當得其意思, 不求舉體侍似;此與蘇黃詩追求突顯個性,傳神寫韻,超脫形似,妙契神似,有 相互借鏡之處。
     Both the poetry of Tang and Sung Dynasties are considered twoequally outstanding milestones in the development of Chineseliterature. Sung poetry has, on the one hand, inherited thetraditional forms and features of Tang poetry while, on the otherhand, placed great emphasis on synthesizing scholastic elegance withverncular directness. Thus, it becomes a new style of poeticexpression. The uniqueness of Sung poetry lies in "metamorphosis,"assimilating quintessence from Tang poetry and fusing it withnewborn features. Anderstreben is what the Sung poets emphaticallyadvocated, and "using the essence of drama in poetry" is asuccessful accomplishment in metamorphosizing from its parentliteral style, the Tang poetry. For instance, the poems written byHuang Ting-chien and Su Shih are greatly influenced by "populardrama." The influence is evident in the following aspects. (1) While "popular drama" emphasizes meticulous plotting,Huang also stressed methodical plotting and prearranged layout. (2) The works of "popular drama" end, as a tradition, with an"wrap-up burlesque" which is supposed to be humorously relevantto the theme and generating a lasting impression on the audience.Both Su and Huang adopted similar devices, to illustrate reality inironical humor. As a result, certain poems are "serious jests andepigrammatic paradoxes." (3) The homorous "wrap-up" in popular drama is meant toadmonish politcal malpractice in an indirect manner. Therefore, itemploys insinuating jokes to show events which are mixtures oftruth and falsehood. Similarly, Su and Huang used vernacularwording to express reality and imagination. As actors who aresupposed to demonetrate the spirit and feelings of their roles insteadof imitating, Su and Huang manifested their own character andspirit in poetry. Inspiration and influence of popular drama, Zen BuddUfcm,painting, and calligraphy on Sung poets has enabled creation of asense of beauty in Sung poetry which is new and quite different fromthat of Tang. Therefore, it can be considered having its own place inthe world of Chinese literature, a place that matches equally withthat of Tang poetry.
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