

作者:葉乃靜 引用關係
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2.Lange, Janet M.(1987)。Public Library Users, Nonusers, and Type of Library Use。Public Library Quarterly,8,55。  new window
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6.Colson, John Calvin(1983)。Form Against Function: The American Public Library and Contemporary Society。The Journal of Library History,18,111。  new window
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9.Lacy, Dan(1957)。The Adult in a Changing Society。The Library Quarterly,27,280。  new window
10.Kronus, C. L.(1973)。Patterns of Adult Library Use: A Regression and Path Analysis。Adult Education,23,115。  new window
11.Webb, T. D.(1986)。A Hierarchy of Public Library User Types。Library Journal,111,47。  new window
12.Harris, Michael H.、Sodt, James(1981)。Libraries, Users, and Librarians: Continuing Efforts to Define the Nature and Extent of Public Library Use。Advances in Librarianship,11,132。  new window
13.Krueger, Karen J.、Zweizig, Douglas L.(1984)。Getting it Together: a Report on PLA's Work in Progress。Illinois Libraries,66,233。  new window
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1.曾淑賢(1987)。公共圖書館讀者與非讀者特質之分析:台北市民生社區抽樣調查(碩士論文)。國立臺灣大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Berelson, Bernard(1975)。The Library's Public。Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Press。  new window
2.Knight, D. M.、Nourse, Shepley(1969)。Libraries at Large: Tradition, Innovation, and the National Interest。New York。  new window
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4.Gallup Organization, Inc.(1979)。1978 Book Reading and Library Usage: A Study of Habits and Perceptions。Chicago:American Library Asociation。  new window
5.Zweizig, Douglas L.、Dervin, Brenda(1977)。Public Library Use, Users, Uses: Advances in Knowledge of the Characteristics and Needs of the Adult Clientele of American Public Libraries。Advances in Librarianship (v.7)。New York。  new window
6.Monat, W. R.(1967)。The Public Library and Its Community: A Study of the Impart of Library Services in Five Pennsylvania Cities。The Public Library and Its Community: A Study of the Impart of Library Services in Five Pennsylvania Cities。Pennsylvania。  new window
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2.中國圖書館學會公共圖書館標準擬定小組(1976)。中華民國臺閩地區省(市)縣市鄉鎮區圖書館現況調查報告,臺北:中國圖書館學會公共圖書館標準擬定小組。  延伸查詢new window
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1.徐尚溫(1993)。臺灣光復後公共圖書館的發展歷程。建館七十八週年改隸中央二十週年紀念論文集。臺北:國立中央圖書館臺灣分館。  延伸查詢new window
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