

作者:邱弘毅 引用關係葉錦瑩薛玉梅陳建仁
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     砷、汞、鎘及其化合物在工業、農業及製藥的使用相當廣泛,但也是美國環境保護署例為最優先列管的毒性化學物質。我國臺灣地區本地並未出產砷、汞、鎘等金屬,全仰賴進口以供應各產業之需求。為瞭解砷、汞、鎘及其化合物在國內的用途和用量,本研究依據經濟部國貿局商務中心建檔之進口資料加以統計分析,並實地訪查大宗進口之廠商,以瞭解其產品與製程。調查結果顯示:砷及其化合物之進口量,民國71年為574公噸,76年高達769公噸,79年(1-8月)為398公噸;主要用於農藥製造業和玻璃製造量,民國71年為174 公噸,75年高達477公噸,78年以後因氧化鎘不必申報,故申報進口量降至79年的9公噸;主要用於化學製造業。為確實掌握砷、汞、鎘及其化合物的用途和用量,宜加強砷、汞、鎘及其化合物進口廠商的海關申報作業,環保單位應嚴格要求製造及使用廠商確實定期呈報進口量,使用量及庫存量等運作記錄,並隨時不定期查核,此外更應社絕地下工廠獲得原料的管道,才能真正掌握臺灣地區砷、汞、鎘及其化合物的用途和用量。
     Arsenic, mercury and cadmium compounds are used widespreadly in industry, agriculture and pharmaceutical manufacture. They are also listed as the important toxic substances to be controlled with top priorities by the U.S.A. Environmental Protection Agency. The specific aim of this study is to estimate the usage and amount of arsenic, mercury and cadmium compounds in Taiwan area. Based on the analysis of official data and field survey, all materials of arsenic, mercury, and cadmium compounds were imported. The imported arsenic compounds were 574 kilotons in 1982, 769 kilotons in 1987 and 398 kilotons in 1990 (from January through August). These compounds were used mainly in pesticide and glass manufacturing industry. The imported mercury compounds were 10 kilotons in 1982, 48 kilotons in 1987 and 20 kilotons in 1990 (from January through August). They were used mainly in manufacturing Chinese pharmaceuticals and electronic utilities. The imported cadmium compounds were 174 kilotons in 1982, 477 kilotons in 1986. The imported amount of cadmium oxide was no longer reported after 1990. They were used in chemical manufacturing industry. In order to control the usage and amount of these toxic compounds effectively, it is important to enforce the official imported materials reporting system and a manufacture recording system of these compounds.
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1.謝旺全(1985)。水俣病。台北市。  延伸查詢new window
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1.Ishinishi, N.、Tsuchiya, K.、Vahter, M.、Fowler, B. A.(1986)。Arsenic。Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals。New York:Elserier Science Publishers B. V.。  new window
2.Berlin, M.(1986)。Mercury。Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals。New York:Elserier Science Publishers B. V.。  new window
3.Fribery, I.、Kjellstrom, T.、Nordberg, G. F.(1986)。Cadmium。Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals。New York:Elserier Science Publishers B. V.。  new window
4.World Health Organization(1981)。Arsenic。Environmental Health Criteria 18。Geneva:World Health Organization。  new window
5.Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry(1989)。U. S. Public Health Service。Toxicological Profile for Arsenic。Life System, Inc。  new window
6.Finkel, A. J.(1983)。Mercury。Hamilton and Hardy's Industrial Toxicology。Boston:John Wright, PSG。  new window
7.Knight, A. L.(1988)。Mercury and Its Compounds。Occupational Medicine: Principle and Practical Application。Chicago:Year Book Med。  new window
8.Foulkes, E. C.(1986)。Cadmium。Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology。New York:Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg。  new window
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