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3.Miyamura, M.、Kuroda, H.、Hirata, K.、Honda, Y.(1975)。Evaluations of the step test scores based on the measurements of maximal aerobic powers。Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness,15(4),311-322。  new window
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5.Cox, M. H.、Thomas, S. G.、Weller, I. M. R.、Corey, P.(1992)。Reliability and validity of a fitness assessment for epidemiological studies。Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences,17(1),49-55。  new window
6.Siconolfi, S. F.、Garber, C. E.(1985)。A simple, valid step test for estimating maximal oxygen uptake in epidemiologic studies。American Journal of Epidemiology,121(3),328-390。  new window
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9.Shapiro, A.、Shapiro, Y.、Magazanik, A.(1976)。Simple step test to predict aerobic capacity。The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness,16(3),209-214。  new window
10.Tuxworth, W.、Shahnawaz, H.(1977)。The design and evaluation of a step test for the rapid prediction of physical work capacity in an unsophisticated industrial work force。Ergonomics,20(2),181-191。  new window
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12.Banerjee, P. K.、Chatterje, C.(1983)。Harvard step test as a measure of physical fit ness in adolescent boys。Indian J. Med. Res.,79,413-417。  new window
13.Buono, M. J.(1991)。Validity and reliability of predicting maximum oxygen uptake via field tests in children and adoledcents。Pediatric Exercise Science,3,250-255。  new window
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15.Day, J. A.(1967)。A statistical investigation of the Ryhming Step test。Research Quarterly,38(4),539-543。  new window
16.Francis, K.、Cuipepper, M.(1988)。Validation of a three minute hight-adjusted step test。Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness,28(3),229-233。  new window
17.Francis, K.、Brasher, J. D.(1992)。A height-adjusted step test for predicting maximal oxygen consumption in males。Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness,32(3),282-287。  new window
18.Johnson, J.、Siegel, D.(1981)。Use of selected submaximal step tests in predicting change in the maximal oxygen intake of college women。Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness,21(3),259-264。  new window
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20.Montgomery, D. L.、Reid, G.、Koziris, L. P.(1992)。Reliability and validity of three fitness tests for adults with mental handicaps。Can. J. Spt. Sci.,17(4),309-315。  new window
21.Santa-Maria, D. L.(1976)。Objectivity, reliability, and validity of the OSU step test for college males。Research quarterly,47(3),445-452。  new window
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23.Brouha, Lucien(1943)。The step test: A simple method of measuring physical fitness for muscular work in young men。Research Quarterly. American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation,14(1),31-36。  new window
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25.Weller, I. M. R.、Corey, P. N.、Cox, M. H.(1992)。Selection of a maximal test protocol to validate the Canadian Aerobic Fitness Test。Canadina Journal of Sports Science,17(2),114-119。  new window
26.鄭安城、林正常、陳俊忠(19931200)。登階測驗對最大攝氧量的預估研究。體育學報,16,327-339。new window  延伸查詢new window
27.薛淑琦、李寧遠(19930900)。登階測驗的類別。中華體育季刊,7(2)=26,86-96。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.薛淑琦(1993)。腿長與不同負荷之登階測驗對青少年有氧適能之評估研究(碩士論文)。國立體育學院。  延伸查詢new window
2.杜登明(1974)。高中男生登階測驗適當負荷之分析研究(碩士論文)。師範大學。  延伸查詢new window
3.謝文福(1972)。以登階測驗評估一千公尺耐力跑成績之研究(碩士論文)。師範大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.彭鈺人(1993)。體育測驗與測量。台北:師大書苑。  延伸查詢new window
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