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足底筋膜炎(Plantar Fasciitis)為足科醫生很常遇到的一種慢性過度使用的運動傷害。其主要問題是位在足底筋膜和跟骨連接處所產生的發炎現象,主要發生對象為運動員但一般人也有發生的可能;其中含有反跳躍性動作如籃球、排球的運動,也很容易產生足底筋膜炎的問題。傷害發生的原因有很多,主要是因為足底筋膜長期受到過度拉扯而導致其筋膜及周圍筋構造產生發炎或退化的現象。評估的方法可透過病史的詢問、身體檢查及射身攝影術來判斷。治療方法可分為何守療法和手術兩大類;絕大多數的患者可經由保求療法而使情形大為改善;只有少部分患者需經由手術治療。此外,有效的預防,也可使足底筋膜炎的發生率大為減少。
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2.Berkowitz, J. F.、Kier, R.、Rudicel, S.(1991)。Plantar Fasciitis: MR Imaging。Radiology,179(3),665-667。  new window
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4.Chandler, T. J.、Kibler, W. B.(1993)。A Biomechanical Approach to the Prevetion, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Plantar Fasciitis。Sports Medicine,15(5),344-352。  new window
5.Intenzo, C. M.、Wapner, K. L.、Park, C. H.、Kim, S. M.(1991)。Evaluation of Plantar Fasciitis by Three-Phase Bone Scintigraphy。Clinical Nuclear Medicine,16(5),325-328。  new window
6.Kwong, P.、Kay, D.、Voner, R. D.、White, M. W.(1988)。Plantar Fasciitis。Clinics in Sports Medicine,7(1),119-126。  new window
7.Marshall, P.(1988)。The Rehabilitation of Overuse Foot Injuries in Athletes and Dancers。Clinics in Sports Medicine,7(1),175-192。  new window
8.Roy, S.(1983)。How I Manage Plantar Fasciitis。Physician and Sportsmedicine,11(10),127-132。  new window
9.Shapabqour, M.、Handelberg, F.、Opdecam, M.、Osteauz, M.、Spruyt, D.、Vass, P.、Verhaven, E.、Zygas, P.(1992)。Magnetic Reasonance Imaging(MRI) of the Ankle and Hindfoot。Acta Orthopaedica Belgica,58(1),5-14。  new window
10.Wall, J. R.、Harhness, M. A.、Crawford, A.(1993)。Ultrasound Diagnosis of Plantar Fasciitis。Foot and Ankle,14(8),465-470。  new window
11.Tanner, S. M.、Harvey, J. S.(1988)。How We Manage Plantar Fasciitis。The Physician and Sportsmedicine,16(8),39-47。  new window
12.Torg, J. S.、Parlor, H.、Torg, E.(1987)。Overuse Injuries in Sports: The Foot。Clinics in Sports Medicine,6(2),291-320。  new window
13.Warren, B. L.(1990)。Plantar Fasciitis in Runners: Treatment and Prevetion。Sports Medicine,10(5),338-345。  new window
1.Garrick, J. G.、Webb, David R.(1990)。Sports injuries: Diagnosis and Management。Philadelphia:WB Saunders。  new window
2.Kulank, D. N.(1988)。The injured athlete。Philadeiphia:J. B. Lippincott Co.。  new window
3.Martire, J. R.、Levinsohn, E. M.(1992)。Imaging of Athletic Injuries: A Multimodality Approach。New York:Mcgraw-Hill。  new window
4.Norris, C. M.(1993)。Sports Injuries: Diagnosis and Management for the Physiotherapists。Oxford:Butterworth Heinemann。  new window
5.Reid, D. C.(1992)。Sports Injuries Assessment and Rehabilitation。New York:Churchill Livingstone。  new window
6.Torg, J. S.、Vegso, J. J.、Torg, E.(1987)。Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries: A Atalas of Therapeutic Exercise。Chicago:Year Book Medical。  new window
7.Taylor, P. M.、Taylor, D. K.(1988)。Conquering Athletic Injuries。Champaign:Leisure Press。  new window
8.Ylinen, J.、Cash, M.(1993)。Sports Massage。London:Stanley Paul。  new window
1.Glickman, H. B.(1988)。Plantar Fasciitis。Conquering Athletic Injuries。Champaign:Leisure Press。  new window
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