

作者:嚴朝旭李慧馨 引用關係
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     本文採用多元取向,以政治、經濟和技術三個層面分析了中共和香港電訊發展在過去十多年變動的社會環境下的互相影響,以這個相互影像的形態對兩地未來電訊發展的意義。 在中國以政策為導向和香港以市場為導向的電訊的互動關係中,香港對中共電訊的影響主要體現在其經濟上的優勢,而中國的影響則主要表現在政治上。 這種影響的意義在於:在中共,香港在經濟上的影響,加上中共本土的市場力量以及地方化的趨勢,將對保守的政治勢力構成壓力。其與中共國家機器對峙的結果將決定中共電訊的發展;而在香港,面對中共的政治影響,香港政府以及本地資本家如何調整和回應將左右香港電訊發展的路向。
     This study examines the technological, economic and political influences in telecommunications between China and Hongkong in the last decade, by means of a pluralistic approach. Particularly, the study looks into technology transfer, bi-lateral trade and investment, as well as bi-lateral politics in telecommunications between China and Hongkong. The study shows that in the interaction between china's policydriven and Hongkong's market-driven telecommunications, Hongkong's influence upon China mostly lies in its economic strength in telecommunications, while China's influence upon Hongkong's telecommunications is mainly a political one. The double-track system and shift toward decentralization in China's telecommunications on the one hand, and the dual-authority situation and a trend toward greater government mediation in Hongkong's telecommunications on the other, sets the broad framework of the China-Hongkong interaction in telecommunications. Hongkon's economic influences upon China, combined with the local market forces and the decentralization trend in policy-making in China, presents a liberating market force vis-a-vis the conservative political force in China's telecommunications. But on the other hand, China's powerful state mechanism counteracts influences from Hongkong upon its telecommunications ownership and market structure. China's political influence upon Hongkong's telecommunications comes from both the direct political pressures it exerts on the Hongkong government and its participation and manipulation in Hongkong's corporations through its investment arms. Given the market force in Hongkong's telecommunications and the need of China to maintain the stability and prosperity in Hongkong's economy, China will increasingly use its commercial clout, rather than political clout, to affect Hongkong's telecommunications.
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