

作者(外文):Wong, Timothy Ka Ying
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1.Danilova, L. V.(1971)。Controversial Problems of the Theory of Precapitalist Societies。Soviet Anthropology and Archaeology,9,269-328。  new window
2.Vitkin, M.(1979)。The Problem of the Universality of Social Relations in Classical Marxism。Studies in Soviet Thought,20,46-66。  new window
1.Bailey, Anne M.、Llobera, Josep R.(1981)。Asiatic Mode of Production。London:Routledge and Kegan Paul。  new window
2.Dupre, Louis(1983)。Marx's Social Critique of Culture。New Haven:Yale University Press。  new window
3.Durkheim, Emile、Spaulding, John A.、Simpson, George(1951)。Suicide。New York:The Free Press。  new window
4.Godelier, Maurice、Bailey, Anne M.、Loberra, Josep R.(1981)。The Asiatic Mode of Production。London:Roulledge and Kegan Paul。  new window
5.Gouldner, Alvin W.(1980)。The Two Marxisms。The Seabury Press。  new window
6.Habermas, Jürgen(1971)。Knowledge and Human Interests。Boston, Massachusetts:Beacon Press。  new window
7.Hindess, B.、Hirst, P.(1975)。Precapitalist Modes of Production。London:Routledge and Kagan Paul。  new window
8.Krader, Lawrence(1975)。The Asiatic Mode of Production。Assen:Van Gorcum & Comp. B. V.。  new window
9.Lukacs, Georg(1968)。History and Class Consciousness。Cambridge:The MIT Press。  new window
10.Marx, Karl、Shiomo, Avineri(1968)。Karl Marx on Colonialism and Modernization。New York:Doublesay & Company Inc。  new window
11.Marx, Karl(1973)。Grundrisse。New York:Vintage Books。  new window
12.Marx, Karl(1954)。Capital。Moscow:Progress Publishers。  new window
13.Marx, Karl、Hobsbawm, E. F.(1964)。Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations。New York:International Publishers。  new window
14.Marx, Karl、Krader, L.(1974)。The Ethnological Notebooks of Karl Marx: the Studies of Morgan, Phear, Marine, Lubbock。Assen:Van Gorcum。  new window
15.Melotti, Umberto(1977)。Marx and the Third World。London:The Macmillan Press。  new window
16.Satre, Jean-Paul(1956)。Being and Nothingness。New York:Washington Square Press。  new window
17.Wittfogel, Karl(1957)。Oriental Despotism。New Haven:Yale University Press。  new window
18.Zilberman, David(1988)。The Birth of Meaning in Hindu Thought。Boston:D. Publishing Company。  new window
19.Marx, Karl(1975)。Capital。Moscow:Progress Publishers。  new window
20.Tucker, Robert C.(1978)。The Marx-Engels Reader。New York:W.W. Norton & Company。  new window
21.Habermas, Jürgen、McCarthy, Thomas(1979)。Communication and the Evolution of Society。Beacon Press。  new window
22.Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich、Sibree, John B.(1956)。The Philosophy of History。Dover Publications。  new window
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