

作者:莊嘉坤 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:科學態度混合拉氏模型潛在類別Scientific attitudeMixed Rasch ModelMRMLatent classes
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     學生的科學態度為一潛在的心理變項,具有潛在特質。為了達到客觀的測量結果,科學態度的測量可以應用潛在結構特性的近代測量理論,以獲得更為精確的結果。 本研究的旨趣在於分析學生科學態度的潛在類別。在研究方法學上,本研究仿國內許榮富等人(民75)界定科學態度的成份,包括客觀,開明、慎下斷語及對抗迷信等四個類群,編製十五個試題的科學態度量表。研究樣本包括臺北、屏東地區八所國小五、六年級的學生總計706人。 本研究選擇評比量表模型(RSM)分析學生科學態度特質與試題參數估計,同時檢定科學態度量表試題的合適度,進而以Rost(1988)之混合拉氏模型(NRM)分析學生科學態度之潛在類別。分析結果,本科學態度量表獲得模型合適度考驗,全部受試樣本科學態度可以區分為三個潛在類別,第一類群的學生對科學態度量表的得分最低,佔全部受試樣本12.9%,其次為第二類群,佔37.5%,第三類群得分最高,即第三類群學生的科學態度特質值最高,佔49.6%;在態度量表得分機率方面,三個類群之間以第十四題(慎下斷語)得分機率差異最為明顯;其餘除了第八題(對抗迷信)、第九題(客觀)、第十一題(開明)、第十二題(開明)等四題,第二與第三類群之間差異較小,而與第一類群則亦有明顯差異。
     Students' scientific attitude is a latent psychological variance. When measuring students attitude, modern test theory, having a latent structural character, can be applied in order to achieve objective measurement and obtain precise results. The purpose of this study is to analyze students' latent classes of scientific attitude. The study uses the methodology of Dr. Shu in defining components of scientific attitude such as objectivity, open-mindedness, suspended judgment and aversion to superstition. A fifteen-items attitude scale is employed. The subjects of this study are 706 fifth-an4 sixth-grade students from elementary schools in Pingtung and in the Taipei area. This study employs the Rating Scale Model (RSM) in analyzing student' scientific attitude trait, item parameters, and the suitability of test items. Furthermore, the Mixed Rasch Model (MRM), developed by Rost (1988), is used to analyze students' latent classes of scientific attitude. The scientific attitude scale was found to be suitable, and the samples were divided into three latent classes according to their different scientific attitudes. The first class, having the lowest score made up 12.9% of the entire sample, and second class acounted for 37.5%, while the third class, having the highest scientific attitude trait values, made up 49.6% of the total sample, concerning scoring probability, item 14 had the greatest variability between the three classes, item 8, 9, 11, and 12 had low variabilty between the second and third class, but varied greatly when compare with the firstclass.
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