

作者(外文):Yeh, Nei-ching
主題關鍵詞:Public libraryUsers studyQualitative researchInterviewParticipate observation
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Through the eyes of the public library users, this study attempts to
understand how users define the functions of public library in modern society,
what are their motivation of public library use, how they get help from public
library use, and how they satisfy their information need and recreation purpose.
From users' description, this study intents to reevaluate the traditional
functions of public library: cultural, educational, recreational, and
Qualitative research methods are applied in this study. One hundred and
twenty adult users of a branch library of Taipei City Public Library are
interviewed by the researcher. The results show that majority of users use the
public library for recreational purpose. The public library is one of the
channels for recreational and information need in people' life. The results
indicate that no user goes to the public library for cultural purpose. In the
study, the educational function demonstrates in affecting the children reading
habits and in aiding their school learning.
Present patternes of public library use suggest that public library should
have a more accurate understanding of information need of users. Upon this,
public library could decide the most aporopriate mission, roles and functions
for its users.
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