

題名:A Study of the Use of the Van Hiele Model in the Teaching of Non-Euclidean Geometry to Prospective Elementary School Teachers in Taiwan, the Republic of China
主題關鍵詞:范析理模式師範學院學生非歐幾何學學習成就幾何思考Van Hiele modelNon-Euclidean geometry
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     本研究之主要目的,係在使用由范析理(van Hiele)所發展出來的五段式學習模式於教學,以探討我國師範學院數學組學生在非歐幾何學的學習成就和幾何思考層次之成效。 本研究之研究對象為臺中師範學院兩班數學組學生,每班各有二十六名。兩組學生接受等量的非歐幾何學教材和相同的教學時數,但使用不同的教學策略。控制組學生是採傳統講授式教學法;實驗組學生則施以范析理五段式學習模式教學法。 本研究所獲得的結論如下:(a)我國師範學院數學組學生,在非歐幾何教學上,採用范析理五段式學習模式教學法比採用?統講授式教學法,更能產生較高的幾何思考層次;(b)我國師範學院數學組學生,在非歐何教學上,採用范析理五段學習模式教學法,其學習成就顯著高於採用傳統講授式教學法。 從本研究歸納出來的建議如下:(a)應嘗試在其他的實驗研究中,修改實驗變因;而范析理五段式學習模式和傳統講授式的混教學法,亦值得嘗試研究;(b)本研究僅在探究使用范析理五段式學習模式對我國師範院數學組學生在非歐幾何教學上之成效;爾後亦可針對我國中小學學生,探究使用范析理五段式學習模式之成效,進行類似的研究;(c)本研究運用非歐幾何學的課程,來探討范析理五段式學習模式在學習成就和幾何思考之成效,亦可運用范析理的五段式學習模式在其他的幾何和數學領域,做更深、更廣的研究;(d)對我國師範學院數學組學生而言,學習幾何學是符合未來課堂教學之需求,亦是期望達成之目標。而范析理學習模式與研究者從事之實驗研究相似,可將其方法統整、應用於數學組學生之幾何教學上。
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1.Fuys, D.,Geddes, D.,Tischler, R.(1984)。English translations of selected writings of Dina van Hiele-Geldof and Pierre M. van Hiele,Columbus, OH:ERIC Information Analysis Center for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education。(No. ED 287 697)。  new window
2.Lesh, R. A.,Mierkiewicz, Diane B.(1987)。Recent research concerning the development of spatial and geometric concepts,Columbus, OH:ERIC/ SMEAC。(No. ED 159 062)。  new window
3.Martin, J. L.,Bradbard, D. A.(1976)。Space and geometry: Papers from a research workshop,Columbus, OH:ERIC Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education。(No. ED 132)。  new window
1.Chang, K. Y.(1992)。Spatial and geometric reasoning abilities of college students。  new window
2.Finnell, L.(1993)。Metacognition and the van Hiele model of thinking in geometry。  new window
3.Elchick, L. M.(1992)。The effects of software type, mathematics achievement, spatial visualization, locus of control, independent time of the investigation, and van Hiele level on geometric conjecturing ability。  new window
4.Land, J. E.(1991)。Appropriateness of the van Hiele model for describing students' cognitive processes on algebra tasks as typified by college students' learning of functions。  new window
5.Lewellen, H.(1992)。Conceptualization of geometric motions in elementary school children: An extension of the van Hiele model。  new window
6.Mayberry, J. W.(1981)。An investigation of the van Hiele levels of geometric thought in undergraduate preservice teachers。  new window
7.Wilson, M.(1984)。A psychometric model of hierarchical development of three theories。  new window
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3.Crowley, M. L.(1987)。The van Hiele model of the development of geometric thought。Learning and teaching geometry, k-12, 1987 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics。Reston, Va:NCTM。  new window
4.Coxford, A. F.(1978)。Research directions in geometry。Recent research concerning the development of spatial and geometric concepts。Columbus, OH:ERIC/SMEA。  new window
5.Hoffer, A.(1983)。Van Hiele based research。Acquisition of mathematical concepts and processes。New York, NY:Academic Press。  new window
6.Hershkowitz, R.、Bruckheimer, M.、Vinner, S.(1987)。Activities with teacher based on cognitive research。Learning and teaching geometry, k-12。Reston, VA:The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics。  new window
7.Hershkowitz, R.、Bruckheimer, M.、Vinner, S.(1987)。Activities with teacher based on cognitive research。Learning and teaching geometry。Reston, VA:The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics。  new window
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10.Usiskin, Z. P.(1987)。Resolving the continuing dilemmas in school geometry。Learning and teaching geometry, k-12, 1987 Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics。Reston, VA:The National Council of Teacher。  new window
11.Van Hiele, P. M.(1984)。A child's thought and geometry。English translations of selected writings of Dina van Hiele-Geldorf and Pierre M. van Hiele。Columbus, OH:ERIC Information Analysis Center for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education。  new window
12.van Hiele, P. M.(1984)。English summary。English translations of selected writings of Dina van Hiele-Geldorf and Pierre M. van Hiele。Columbus, OH:ERIC Information Analysis Center for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education。  new window
13.van Hiele, P. M.、van Hiele-Geldof, D.(1958)。A method of initiation into geometry。Report on methods of initiation into geometry。Groningen:J. B. Wolters。  new window
14.van Hiele-Geldof, D.(1984)。The didactics of geometry in the lowest class of secondary school。English translations of selected writing of Dina van Hiele-Geldorf and Pierre M. van Hiele。Columbus, OH:ERIC Information Analysis Center for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education。  new window
15.van Hiele-Geldof, D.(1984)。The didactics of geometry as a learning process for adults。English translations of selected writings of Dina van Hiele-Geldorf and Pierre M. van Hiele。Columbus, OH:ERIC Information Analysis Center for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education。  new window
16.Wirszup, I.(1976)。Breakthroughs in the psychology of learning and teaching geometry。Space and geometry: Papers from a research workshop。Columbus, OH:ERIC Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education。  new window
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