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     要改進博物館的營運,首先要將博物館視為一種組織,本文探討(一)組織衝突(二)選擇理論與決策(三)文化變革(四)工作與職掌(五)人員招募(六)生涯規劃與職員發展(七)績效評鑑(八)團體規劃。 作者強調博物館組織的管理須注意: (一)博物館組織的使命、主要目標及工項目須予明確界定。 (二)衝突是權力的來源,也是權力的限制,應化衝突以解決問題。 (三)發展人際溝通的技巧,做決策以彈性為要。 (四)博物館的經營者只須控制少數幾件最要緊的事,其餘事情則儘量鼓勵創新。 (五)人員表現的評鑑須注意質與量兩方面。
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2.Cutt, J. C.(1977)。Accountability, Efficiency and the Royal Commission on Australian Government Administration。Australian Journal of Public Administration,36(4),333-349。  new window
3.Galbraith, J. R.(1971)。Matrix Organization Designs。Business Horizons,14,29-40。  new window
4.Gibson, J. E.(1979)。Performance Evaluation of Academic Research。Science,206(4417)。  new window
5.Hubbard, G.(1985)。How to Pick the Personality for the Job。New Scientist,31,12-15。  new window
6.Knight, K.(1976)。Matrix Organization: a Review。The Journal of Management Studies,13,111-130。  new window
7.Kress, A. L.(1969)。Job Evaluation for White Collar Workers in Private Sector Employment in the United States。International Labour Review,100,341-357。  new window
8.Lawrence, P. R.(1969)。How to Deal with Resistance to Change。Harvard Business Review,1969(Jan./Feb.),4-13。  new window
9.Lawrence, P. R.、Kolodny, H. F.、Davis, S. M.(1977)。The Human Side of the Matrix。Organizational Dynamics,6(1),43-61。  new window
10.Lutz, C. F.(1969)。Quantitative job evaluation in local government In the United States。International Labour Review,607-619。  new window
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12.Sape, G. P.(1985)。Coping with Comparable Worth。Harvard Business Review,1985(May/Jun.),145-152。  new window
13.Schreiber, S. P.(1986)。A Meeting: of Minds。Museum News,1986(Jun.),48-58。  new window
14.Weinberg, A. M.(1963)。Criteria for Scientific Choice。Minerva,1,159-171。  new window
15.Weinberg, A. M.(1964)。Criteria for Scientific Choice II: The Two Cultures。Minerva,3,172-181。  new window
16.Weinberg, A. M.(1984)。Values in Science: Unity as a Criterion of Scientific Choice。Minerva,22,1-12。  new window
17.Wolff, M.(1979)。How to Find-and Keep-Creative People。International Journal of Research Management,22(5),43-45。  new window
18.Livingston, J. S.(1969)。Pygmalion in management。Harvard Business Review,47(4),81-89。  new window
19.Allen, Robert W.、Renwick, Patricia A.、Madison, Dan L.、Porter, Lyman W.、Mayes, Bronston T.(1979)。Organizational politics: Tactics and characteristics of its actors。California Management Review,22(1),77-83。  new window
20.Nadler, David A.(1981)。Managing Organizational Change: An Integrative Perspective。The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,17(2),191-211。  new window
21.Salancik, G. R.、Pfeffer, J.(1977)。Who gets power--and how they hold on to it: A strategic-contingency model of power。Organizational Dynamics,5(3),3-21。  new window
22.Kanter, Rosabeth Moss(1982)。The Middle Manager as Innovator。Harvard Business Review,60(4),95-105。  new window
23.Stahl, M. J.、Steger, J. A.(1977)。Improving R&D Productivity: Measuring Innovation and Productivity--A Peer Rating Approach。Research Management,20(1),35-38。  new window
24.Tramposch, W. J.(1985)。Professionalism and Professionalization: A Selected Reading List。Museum News,1985(Dec.),67-68。  new window
25.Washburn, W. E.(1985)。Professionalising the Muses。Museum News,1985(Dec.),18-25+70-71。  new window
26.Kotter, John P.、Schlesinger, Leonard A.(1979)。Choosing Strategies for Change。Harvard Business Review,57(2),106-114。  new window
1.Blessing, B.(1981)。Performance Appraisal-a New Approach to an Old Problem。Princeton:Blessing/White, Inc.。  new window
2.Handy, C.(1976)。Understanding Organizations。Harmondsworth:Penguin。  new window
3.Kanter, R. M.(1983)。The Change Masters。London:Counterpoint。  new window
4.Laborde, G. Z.(1984)。Influencing With Integrity: Management Skills for Communication and Negotiation。Palo Alto:Syntony Publishing。  new window
5.Lansbury, R. D.(1981)。Performance Appraisal。South Melbourne:Macmillan。  new window
6.Commission on Museums for a New Century(1984)。Museums for a New Century: A Report of the Commission on Museums for a New Century。The American Association of Museums。  new window
7.Peters, Thomas J.、Waterman, Robert H. Jr.(1982)。In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies。Harper & Row Publishers。  new window
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1.March, J. G.、Simon, H. W.(1958)。The Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy。Organizations。New York:Wiley。  new window
2.Miles, R. S.(1985)。Museums, Management for a Change。The Management of Change in Museums。Greenwich:National Maritime Museum。  new window
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