

作者:汪志堅 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:隆中對三國時期策略規劃經營策略Long-chung stratagemThe three kingdomsStrategy planningBusiness strategy
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「隆中對」為中國歷史上最重要的策略規劃個案,若無「隆中對」,當時的歷史可能從此改觀,而無三國時代的出現。本研究將以策略管理的角度檢視「隆中對」所包含的策略規劃,並討論其制定與執行的利弊得失,給與「隆中對」全新的詮釋。 本研究由分析「陸中對」得到三項結論,(1)使命的設定與環境的分析對策略規劃來說是相當重要的,(2)再好的策略若不執行仍為罔然, (3)當環境改變時,應重新進行策略規劃,而突發性策略的選擇,應以配合組織使命與環境為關鍵考量因素。
"Long-Chung Stratagem" is the is the most important case of strategic planning in Chinese history. Without it, The dynasty of Shu-Han should not arise, and the period of three Kingdoms in Chinese history would disappear. This paper explored the strategy planning inc1uding in the "Long-Chung Stratagem," discussed its components of strategy formulation, and analyzed how Lui Pei's army corps to implement the strategy that was proposed. Finally, three conc1usions are proposed. First, mission setting and environment scanning are critical components in success strategy planning; the second, even the perfect strategy planning would be no sense if it has not been irnp1ernented; Finally, when the environment is changed, the strategy should be replanned, and rnatching the organization's mission and environment should be the most important criteria for determining which emergent strategy would be implemented.
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