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8. | Omizo, Michael M.(1979)。The Validity of A Composite of Nineteen Personality Variables in Differentiating Between American World Class Olympic Contenders and Undergraduate Education Majors。Educational and Psychological Measurement,39(4),977-983。   |
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11. | Webb, J. L.、O'Connor, K. A.(1976)。Investigation of Person Ability Traits of College Female Athletes and Nonathlets。Research Quarterly,47(2),203-210。   |
12. | Williams, Jean, M.、Hooper, Borbara, J.、Moddy, Dorothy L.、Ogilvie, Bruce C.(1970)。Personality Traits of Champion Level Female Fencers。Research Quarterly,41(3),446-463。   |
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16. | Widdop, James H.、Widdop, Valerie A.(1976)。Comparison of the Personality Traits of Female Teacher Education and Physical Education Students。Research Quarterly,46(3),274-281。   |
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21. | Thakur, Giridhar P.(1980)。Personality Differences between the Athlete and Non-athlete college Meles。International Journal of Sport Psychology,11(3),180-188。   |
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