

主題關鍵詞:空中真菌孢子孢子相真菌孢子曆孢子雨過敏原臺南市臺灣AerobiologyAerofungusAirsporaSpore calenderAllergySpore showerTainanTaiwan
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     從民國八十二年三月至八十三年八月間,利用膠帶法及平板法定期收集 台南市空中真菌孢子,加以培養,分離,鑑定及計數以瞭解台南市空中真菌孢子 之種類、數量及年度內之週期性變化,建立空中真菌抱子曆(Spore calender)。兩 種孢子採集法所得結果互有異同,包括各種真菌之週期性憂化及所收集得真菌之 種類及出現率等,總初步鑑定,累計兩種孢子採集法所有已知種類分別屬於90 屬,多數同於不完全菌綱 (Deuteromycetes),最優勢種類依序為Cladosporium(膠帶 法中占全年平均37.3以上,平板法中達58.5),Penicillium/Aspergillus Geotrichum,NO.11(Leptosphaeia-like spore),Fusarium, Basidiomycetes,Alteinria,Curvulria,Nigrospora,Ganodrma,及Penycoia之等。孢子量以 溫和陰濕之秋季及冬季最多,乾熱之夏季或春季較少。孢子上之日變化以凌晨零 時至清晨6時最多,其次是傍晚18時至凌晨24時 ,中午12時至傍晚18時孢子最 少 。少數優勢種類如Cladosporium,Penicillium/Aspergillus,及Geotrichum之孢子量亦 有顯著季節性消長,其餘種類則無特定之季節性消長趨勢。而每月出現頻率很低 或為零之擔子菌綱 (Basidiomycetes)及腔菌綱(Phoma)真菌曾在八二年五月第四週 至六月第二週出現孢子雨(Spore shower)的現象,正值全年濕度及降雨量最大季 節,此結果可以配合氣象預報資料作成一個警告指標,提供有過敏體質者戶外活 動之參考。
     To obtain a better understanding of the quantitative and qualitative seasonal dynamics of fungal airspora in Tainan city (in the southern part of Taiwan), weekly samlings of outdoor airborne spore were carried out on the roof of a 16 m high building, over a period of 18 months from March1993 to August 1994. Two sampling methods were used, one was Burkard's 7-day Volumetric spore trap and the other was Burkard's potable air sampler for agar plate using SBDA(Sabouraud Dextrose Agar) and MEA (Malt Extract Agar)agar. In all, ninety genera were identified, most belonging to the Deuteromycetes. There were some difference between theyields of the two methods, including the seasonal dynamics ofspore population, the frequency of individual genus, and thenumber of genus present in each method. The total amountof airspora showed significant seasonal dynamics: the highestamount of spore was during the mild and humid fall andwinter, while the lowest count was during the hot and dryspring and summer. The daily variation of total fungalpopulation showed that the highest population was in themorning, the next was in the afternoon, the lowest was inmidday. Based on the total number and frequency of eachgenera, the most dominant genus was Cladosporium (over 37.3 in the trap method, over 58.5 in the plate method), otherdominant genera were Penicillium/Aspergillus, Geotrichum,NO.II (Leptosphaeria@ like spore) Fusarium, Basidiomycetes,Alternaria, Curvularia, Nigrospora, Ganoderma, and Per icon ia,the former three genera showed marked seasonal fluctuation.Spore showers of both Basidiomycetes and Phoma occurredduring warmer months (from the end of May to thebeginning of June, 1993), when wind and precipitation were the strongest and heaviest. These results may be useful as arisk indicator of the allergies and the health of humans.
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