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1.Inglis, J.、Lawson, J. S.(1981)。Sex differences in the effects of unilateral brain damage on intelligence。Science,212,693-695。  new window
2.Bannatyne, A.(1974)。Diagnosis: A note on recategorization of the WISC scaled scores。Journal of Learning Disabilities,7,272-274。  new window
3.Inglis, J.、Lawson, J. S.(1982)。A meta-analysis of sex differences in the effects of unilateral brain damage on intelligence test results。Canandian Jonrnal of Psychology,36,670-683。  new window
4.Hammill, D. D.(1990)。On defining learning disabilities: An emerging consensus。Journal of Learning Disabilities,23(2),74-84。  new window
5.郭為藩(19780600)。我國學童閱讀缺陷問題的初步調查及其檢討。國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所集刊,20,57-78。  延伸查詢new window
6.許天威、徐享良(1986)。學習障礙者學習行為之研究--麥氏學習障礙量表之驗證。特殊教育學報,1,1-27。new window  延伸查詢new window
7.陳美芳(19870600)。「修訂魏氏兒童智力量表」在國中資優學生鑑定之運用效果及相關研究。特殊教育研究學刊,3,151-170。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.陳美芳(19880600)。「修訂魏氏兒童智力量表」的智力組型分析初探。特殊教育研究學刊,4,21-34。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.陳美芳(19900100)。WISC-R結果的分析解釋及其對各類特殊兒童的實徵研究結果。測驗年刊,37,163-180。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Elliott, C. D.、Tyler, S.(1987)。Learning disabilities and intelligence test results: A principal components analysis of the British Ability Scales。British Journal of Psychology,78,325-333。  new window
11.Grossman, F. M.、Galvin, G. A.(1987)。Clinically and theoretically derived WISC-R subtest regroupings: Predicting academic achievement in a referral population。Psychology in the Schools,24,105-110。  new window
12.Bellemare, F. G.、Inglis, J.、Lawson, J. S.(1986)。Learning disability indices derived from a principal components analysis of the WISC-R: A study of learning disabled and normal boys。Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science,18,86-91。  new window
13.Clarizio, H. F.、Phillips, S. E.(1986)。The use of standard scores in diagnosing learning disabilities: A critique。Psychology in the School,23,380-387。  new window
14.Inglis, J.、Lawson, J. S.(1982)。Sex difference in the functional asymmetry of the damaged brain。Behavioral and Brain Sciences,5,307-309。  new window
15.Inglis, J.、Lawson, J. S.(1985)。The cross-cultural validity of the learning disability index: A reanalysis of Mishra's data。Journal of Clinical Psychology,41,680-685。  new window
16.Inglis, J.、Lawson, J. S.(1987)。Reanalysis of a meta-analysis of the validity of the Wechsler Scales in the diagnosis of learning disability。Learning Disability Quarterly,10(3),198-202。  new window
17.Inglis, J.、Lawson, J. S.(1986)。A principal components analysis of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC): Implications for the test results of children with learning disabilities。Journal of Learning Disabilities,19,80-85。  new window
18.Lawson, J. S.、Inglis, J.(1983)。A Laterality Index of cognitive impairment after hemispheric damage: A measure derived from a principal-components analysis of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale。Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,51(6),832-840。  new window
19.Lawson, J. S.、Inglis, J.(1984)。The psychometric assessment of children with learning disabilities: An index derived from a principal components analysis of the WISC-R。Journal of Learning Disabilities,17,517-522。  new window
20.Lawson, J. S.、Inglis, J.(1985)。Learning disabilities and intelligence test results: A model based on a principal components analysis of the WISC-R。British Journal of Psychology,76,35-48。  new window
21.Lawson, J. S.、Inglis, J.(1987)。Micro-interpretation or misinter pretation?--A reply to Forness, Kavale, and Nihira。Learning Disability Quarterly,10,253-256。  new window
22.Lawson, J. S.、Inglis, J.、Stroud, T. W.(1983)。A laterality index of cognitive impairment derived from a principal-components analysis of the WAIS-R。Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,51(6),841-847。  new window
23.Lawson, J. S.、Inglis, J.、Tittemore, J. A.(1987)。Factorially defined verbal and performance IQs derived from the WISC-R: Patterns of cognitive ability in normal and learning disabled children。Personality and Individual Differences,8,331-341。  new window
24.Makita, K.(1968)。The rarity of reading disability in Japanese children。American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,38(4),599-614。  new window
25.Miller, M.、Stoneburner, R. L.、Brecht, R. D.(1978)。WISC sub-test pattern as discriminators of perceptual disability。Journal of Learning Disabilities,11,449-452。  new window
26.Mishra, S. P.(1984)。WISC-R performance patterns of learning-disabled chldren from Papago culture。Journal of Clinical Psychology,40,1489-1492。  new window
27.Mishra, S. P.(1984)。Recategorized WISC-R scores of learning disabled children from a Mexican-American culture。Journal of Clinical Psychology,40,1485-1488。  new window
28.Reynolds, C. R.(1984)。Critical measurement issues in learning disabilities。Journal of Special Education,18(4),451-476。  new window
29.Taylor, R. L.、Ivimey, J. K.(1980)。Diagnostic use of the WISC-R and McCarthy Scale: A regression analysis approach to learning disabilities。Psychology in the Schools,17,327-330。  new window
30.Tittemore, J. A.、Lawson, J. S.、Inglis, J.(1985)。Validation of a learning disability index (LDI) derived from a principal components analysis of the WISC-R。Journal of Learning Disabilities,18,449-454。  new window
1.Hryekewicz, B. J.(1992)。Identifying gifted learning-disabled children with the Learning Disability Index (LDI)(博士論文)。Texas Women's University。  new window
2.陳美芳(1985)。「修訂魏氏兒童智力量表」對國小閱讀障礙兒童的診斷功能之探討(碩士論文)。國立臺灣師範大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.國立台灣師範大學教育心理系、特殊教育中心(1979)。魏氏兒童智力量表指導手冊。台北:中國行為科學社。  延伸查詢new window
2.簡茂發、蘇建文、陳淑美(1986)。國小系列學業性向測驗指導手冊。臺北:中國行為科學社。  延伸查詢new window
3.吳裕益(1989)。國民小學高年級成就測驗編製報告。國立台南師範學院。  延伸查詢new window
4.林幸台、吳武典、吳鐵雄、楊坤堂(1992)。學習行為檢核表。國立台灣師範大學特殊教育研究所。  延伸查詢new window
5.教育部第二次全國特殊兒童普查工作執行小組(1993)。普查統計資料。  延伸查詢new window
6.國立台灣師範大學特殊教育研究所(1992)。新編中華智力量表指導手冊。台北:國立台灣師範大學特殊教育研究所。  延伸查詢new window
7.簡茂發、李慶良、歐滄和、王木榮、詹秀美、陳易芬(1993)。兒童知覺動作能力評量表指導手冊。國立台中師範學院特殊教育中心。  延伸查詢new window
8.Salvia, J.、Ysseldyke, J. E.(1981)。Assessment in special and remedial education。Boston:Houghton Mifflin。  new window
9.Kirk, S. A.、Gallagher, J. J.(1989)。Educating exceptional children。Houghton Mifflin Company。  new window
1.周台傑(1992)。學習障礙者之評量。特殊兒童診斷手冊。彰化市:國立彰化師範大學特殊教育中心。  延伸查詢new window
2.Resnick, L. B.(1976)。Introduction: Changing conceptions of intelligence。The Nature of intelligence。Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum。  new window
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