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1.Alexander, K.、Huganir, L. S.、Zigler, E.(1985)。Effects of different living settings on the performance of mentally retarded individuals。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,90(1),9-17。  new window
2.Braddock, D.、Fujiuar, G.(1987)。State government financial effort in mental retardation。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,91(5),450-459。  new window
3.Belcher, T. L.(1994)。Movement to the community: Reduction of behavior difficulties。Mental Retardation,32(2),89-90。  new window
4.Braddock, D.、Fujiura, G.(1991)。Politics, public policy, and the development of community mental retardation services in the United States。American Journal on Mental Retardation,95(4),369-387。  new window
5.Braddock, D.、Fujiura, G.、Hemp, R.、Mitchell, D.、Bachelder, L.(1991)。Current and future trends in state-operated mental retardation institutions in the United States。American Journal on Mental Retardation,95(4),451-462。  new window
6.Dorn, T. A.、Prout, H. T.(1993)。Service delivery patterns for adults with mild mental retardation at community mental health centers。Mental Retardation,31(5),292-296。  new window
7.Eyman, R. K.、Widman, K. F.(1987)。Life-span development of institutionalized and community-based mentally retarded persons, revisited。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,91(6),559-569。  new window
8.Hayden, M. F.、Larkin, K. C.、Hill, B. K.、Bruininks, R. H.、Chen, T. H.(1992)。Placement practices in specialized foster homes and small group homes for persons with mental retardation。Mental Retardation,30(2),53-61。  new window
9.Meador, D. M.、Osborn, R. G.、Owens, M. H.、Smith, E. C.、Taylor, T. L.(1991)。Evaluation of environmental support in group homes for persons with mental retardation。Mental Retardation,29(3),159-164。  new window
10.Meyer, R. J.(1980)。Attitudes of parents of institutionalized mental retarded individuals toward deinstitutionalization。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,85(2),184-187。  new window
11.Porter, B.、Shoham, I.、Goldstein, E.(1994)。Characteristics of community-based individuals with mental retardation and aggressive behavioral disorders。American Journal on Mental Retardation,98(6),704-716。  new window
12.Seltzer, G. B.、Finaly, E.、Howell M.(1988)。Functional characteristics of elderly persons with mental retardation in community settings and nursing homes。Mental Retardation,26(4),213-217。  new window
13.Shalock, R. L.、Genung, L. T.(1993)。Placement from community-based mental retardation programs: A 15-years follow-up。American Journal on Mental Retardation,98(3),400-407。  new window
14.Shalock, R. L.、Harper, R. S.、Carver, G.(1981)。Independent living placement: Five years later。American Journal on Mental Deficiency,86(2),170-177。  new window
15.Emerson, E. B.(1985)。Evaluating the impact of deinstitutionalization on the lives of mentally retarded people。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,90(3),277-288。  new window
16.Bruininks, R. H.、Wright, E. A.、White, C. C. III、Hill, B. K.、Lakin, K. Charlie(1990)。Longitudinal Change and Interstate Variability in the Size of Residential Facilities for Persons with Mental Retardation。Mental Retardation,28(6),343-351。  new window
17.王天苗(1994)。啓智工作的省思--朝向人性、本土化的發展。特殊教育季刊,50,5-14。new window  延伸查詢new window
18.Pedlar, A.(1990)。Normalization and integration: A look at the Swedish Experience。Mental Retardation,28(5),275-282。  new window
19.杜正治(19890600)。從美國94-142公法展望九0年代特殊教育。特殊教育季刊,31,5-6。new window  延伸查詢new window
20.Cnaan, R. A.、Adler, I.、Ramot, A.(1986)。Public reaction to establishment of community residential facilities for mentally retarded persons in Israel。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,90(6),677-685。  new window
21.Schalock, R. L.、Lilley, M. A.(1986)。Placement from community-based mental retardation programs: How well do clients do after 8 to10 years?。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,90(6),669-676。  new window
22.胡永崇(19920600)。特殊教育發展的重要取向對國內特殊教育的啟示。特教園丁,7(4),5-9。  延伸查詢new window
23.胡永崇(19921200)。反對機構安置及支持機構安置:重度障礙者安置的爭議。國教天地,95,21-26。  延伸查詢new window
24.Pratt, M. W.、Luszcz, M. A.、Brown, M. E.(1980)。Measuring Dimensions of the Quality of Care in Small Community Residences。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,85(2),188-194。  new window
25.Schalock, R. L.、Harper, R. S.(1978)。Placement from Community-Based Mental Retardation Programs: How Well do Clients do?。American Journal of Mental Deficiency,83(3),240-247。  new window
26.莊妙芬(19931200)。Public Attitudes Toward Community Placement for People with Severe Mental Retardation in Taipei, Taiwan。特殊教育與復健學報,3,85-115。new window  new window
1.Janicki, M. P.、Krauss, M. W.、Seltzer, M. M.(1988)。Community residences for persons with developmental disabilities here to stay。London:Paul H. Brookes。  new window
2.Wetzel, R. J.、Hoschouer, R. L.(1984)。Residential teaching communities program development and staff training for developmentally disabled persons。New Jersey:Scott, Foresman and Company。  new window
3.Hallahan, D. P.、Kauffman, J. M.(1988)。Exceptional children。NJ:Prentice-Hall International, Inc.。  new window
1.Beirne-Smith, M.、Ittenbach, R. F.(1990)。Programing and issues accross the lifespan。Mental Retardation。Columbus:Merrill。  new window
2.Peck, C.、Hong, C. S.(1988)。Normalisation。Living skills for mentally handicapped people。Baltimore:Paul H. Brookes。  new window
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