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30.Lipton, David、Sachs, Jeffrey(1990)。Privatization in Eastern Europe: The case of Poland。Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,2,293-341。  new window
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1.Chang, Ha-joon,Singh, Ajit(1991)。Public enterprises in developing countries and economic efficiency-- A critical examination of analytical, empirical, and policy issues,Faculty of Economics & Politics, University of Cambridge。  new window
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11.Lipton, David、Sachs, Jeffrey(1991)。Privatization in Eastern Europe: The case of Poland。Reforming central and Eastern European economies: Initial results and challenges。Washington, D. C.:The World Bank。  new window
12.Naughton, Barry(1991)。Inflation in China: Patterns, causes and cures。China's economic dilemmas in the 1990s: The problems of reforms, modernization, and interdependence。  new window
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22.Amsden, Alice(1985)。The State and Taiwan's Economic Development。Bringing the State Back In。Cambridge University Press。  new window
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