

作者(外文):Chien, Maw-faTsay, Yuh-seh
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      The purpose of the study was to investigate the differences of cognitive style, beliefs in locus of control among gifted students and their influence in learning behavior, living adaptation in order to provide suggestions for education and guidance for gifted students in Taiwan. Subjects in clude 316 3rd and 5th graders of gifted classes at 7 gifted experimental elementary schools in the Tai-Chung metropolitan area. The obtained results indicated: 1. Elementary schools gifted students with different, gender, grade and family socio-economic status have no significant difference in cognitive style. 2. There is no significant difference in beliefs in locus of control for gifted students with different grades and family socioeconomic status. But there is a significant difference in terms of sex, that is, girls tend to have more internal control. 3. There are no significant differences in learning behavior, living adaption for gifted students with different cognitive styles. 4. There is a significant difference in learning behavior, living adaption for gifted students with different beliefs in locus of control Students with internal control are better than those of external control. 5. In terms of gender, girls are better than boys in learning behavior, and living adaption. 6. There are significant differences for different grade gifted students in learning behavior, living adaption. Higher grade gifted students are better in social adjustment; but lower grader gifted students are better in withdrawal tendency. 7. There is no significant difference in these three area for gifted students with different family socio-economic status. 8. There is a positive relationship among gifted students cognitive styles, beliefs in locus of control, learning behavior, and living adaption. 9. There are significant differences in learning behavior for gifted students with different genders and grades. They are all better in field-independence internal control and field-dependence internal control. 10. The first discriminant function coefficient can predict perceptual expectancy style of the gifted students. The accuracy is 51%. The major predictors are the sense of belonging and family relationship.
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