

作者:徐守德 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:股價轉換函數自我相關交互相關Stock priceTransfer functionAutocorrelationCross correlation
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     本研究利用時間數列之轉換函數模式,針對美國與臺灣股票市場間每日的價格變動 關係作深入探討,觀察期間為民國七十二年至七十九年共八年期間,涵蓋多個股市循環。 經實證分析,本研究獲得如下三點結論: 1.兩地股價指數具有高度自我相關,因此以股價指數直接作相關分析,會產生顯著相關的假 象。以指數變動率作交互相關分析時,則應利用轉移函數模式之程序將資料先行漂白再分 析之,如此所得結果較為客觀。 2.美國股市與臺灣股市有明顯價格變動關係,即美國股市有領先臺灣股市的現象,其原因可 能源自兩地股市成熟度與交易時間的差異。 3.就美國對臺灣之轉換函數模式與臺灣單變量ARIMA模式之預測能力而言,前者之預測績效 優於後者。
     This study adopts transfer function model to analyze the impact and forecast of American stock markets to Taiwan stock market. Observation period is from 1983 to 1990, which includes several stock cycles. The empirical results can be summearized as follows: 1.The stock indices between two markets exist high autocorrelation. It is not appropriate to directly use stock indices to conduct correlation analysis. It would be better to prewhiten stock indices in advance. 2.American have significant one day price lead to Taiwan. The reasons may be due to different trading time and maturity of stock markets. 3.The comparison of forecasting performance between transfer function and univariate ARIMA, empirical result shows that transfer function performs better than ARIMA.
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