

作者:林敏慧王天苗 引用關係范德鑫
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     本研究之目的係在探討學習潛能評量與標準化評量對國小輕度智障兒童認知能力評量效果之差異。本研究以臺北市光仁、雙園、中山和景美四所國小啟智班4-6年級48名輕度智障學生為對象,採考夫曼兒童智文測驗、研究者自編的學習潛能訓練教材、學習潛能評量指導手冊(一)和(二)為研究工具。施測資料分採重複量數多變量變異數分析、單變量變異數分析和共變數分析加以處理。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、輕度智障兒童在「測驗-訓練-測驗」式學習潛能評量與標準化評量兩種評量程序所得非語文量表得分的比較上未達顯著差異。 二、輕度智障兒童在「測驗中訓練」式學習潛能評量與標準化評量程序中,「動作模仿」、「圖形組合」、「圖形類推」、「位置記憶」、「照片系列」五項非語文 量表分測驗得分的比較上呈現顯著差異。 三、「測驗-訓練-測驗」組兒童和「測驗中訂練」組兒童在兩種學習潛能評量程序中,「動作模仿」、「圖形類推」、「位置記憶」、「系列照片」等四項非語文量表分測驗得分的比較呈現顯著差異;唯於「圖形組合」得分的比較,兩組未達顯著差異。
     The purpose of this study was to compare the sensitivity, of learning potential assessment procedures in assessing maximun cognitive abilities of mildly mentally handicapped students. Comparisons of nonverbal scale scores were made to explore differences (1) between standardized and test-training-test procedures, (2) standardized and training-within-test procedures, and (3) test-training-test and training-within-test procedures. Subjects of this study involved forty-eight grade 4-6 mildly mentally handicapped students who were placed in special classes in Taipei. The nonverbal Scale of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for the children, learning potential training materials, and assessment manual I & II were used for assessment and training purposes. The data analyzed by using repeated-measures MANOVAs, ANOVA, and ANCOVA. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.There were no significant differences in five subtests scores derived from the nonverbal scale between test-training-test procedures and standardized procedures. 2.There were significant differences in five subtests scores derived from the nonverbal scale between training-within-test procedures and standardized procedures. 3.There were significant differences in four subtests scores derived from the nonverbal scale between training-within-test procedures and test-training-test procedures. The differences were evident on theses subtests which were Hand Movements, Matrix Analogies, Spatial Memory, and Photo Series, but except Triangles.
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