

作者(外文):Lin, Wen-chin
主題關鍵詞:詩歌鑑賞詩歌鑑賞鑑賞教學PeotryPoetry appreciationTeaching poetry appreciation
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     我國詩歌是一種強調韻律、節奏、聲調、格式,講究文字精鍊,語詞 具象,並以主觀的情理和客觀的情景相互滲透交融,而形成鮮明而完美的 意境作為最高美學追求的文學形式。歷代詩人透過詩歌文學形式,飽含著 社會思想內容和感情,唱出人類時代之聲。這些心聲感染著讀者的心靈, 激蕩著讀者的審美精神。愛與恨、愉悅與痛苦、歡欣與哀傷、擁護與反 對,讓感情激起波瀾,思想受到教育。也因此詩的教化作用與社會功能, 經常是我們教育的重點所在。 詩歌藝術和政治、哲學、歷史、法律等學科一樣,都是在反應社會意 識形識,社會生活內容。詩歌只不過是運用感性形象的形式,完成認識社 會、認識人生、認識真理。因此透過優秀的詩歌藝術作品,人們可以了解 各時代的社會生活,歷史發展狀況,提高認識生活、洞察社會現象的能 力,進而藉由作品引起鑒賞者深思,啟迪人性探索社會人生的誘發力,鼓 起改造社會與為理想奮鬥的決心。 透過詩歌鑒賞教學活動,培養和提高鑒賞者的審美能力與藝術修養, 充實了精神境界,並完成審美教育的功能。 詩歌的鑑賞教學乃在學生學得基本知識技能以外,給予品格陶冶,培 養其正當的興趣、態度與理想,指導判斷事物價值的能力,並樹立其高尚 情操。然而如何在教學活動中運用適當的方法,來達到教學目標與效果, 也就是本文思考命題所在。 本篇論文主要內容綱要: 一、詩教的重要性 二、詩歌鑑賞及其教學方法 (一)詩歌教學的內容與任務 (二)詩歌鑑賞的方法與內容 1.從章法結構中去鑑賞 2.從修辭技巧中去鑑賞 3.從詩歌形象中去鑑賞 4.從詩的風格中去鑑賞 5.從詩的心態美去鑑賞 6.從詩的音樂美去鑑賞 三、結語
     Classical Chinse poetry is a condensed language, not only regulated by meter, rhyming, and format but also filled with images, metaphors, and figurative speech. Through the interaction of the poet's inner emotions the utmost perfection and beauty. Some, laden with the poet's social moral responsibility, speak out the public feeling of the time. Scuh a voice affects the soul of the readers and creates a taste of aesthetics, Emotions such as love and hate, joy and pain, pros and cons play an important social function, and the population are in a way educated. It is only natural that the soical and educational functions are often the highlights of our poetry teaching,. Like politics, philosophy, law, or history, poetry reflects social life, Through emotional ejaculation and symbolic language, poetry helps the readers understand their society, their life, and the truth. It is such understanding that makes the general public think deeper, search wider, and fight harder. Through teaching activities related to classical poetry appreciation, students learn more than basic knowledge and skills. In addition to the cultivation of a literary interest, students are trained to build a better evaluation. The present study is concerned with the possible methods through which these benefits are achieved. A Brief Outline of the Present Study: Ⅰ.The importance of Poetry Teaching Ⅱ.Methods of poetry appreciation A.Content and purpose of poetry teaching B.Methods and materials i.appreciation through structure ii.appreciation through rhetoric devices iii.appreciation through images iv.appreciation through styles v.appreciation through the poet's inner emotions vi.appreciaton through musical devices Ⅲ.Conclusion
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8.姚全興。審美教育的歷程。上海社會科學院出版社。  延伸查詢new window
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12.戚廷貴。藝術美與欣賞。丹青圖書有限公司。  延伸查詢new window
13.宗白華。美學與意境。淑馨出版社。  延伸查詢new window
14.周振甫。詩文鑑賞法二十講。國文天地雜誌社。  延伸查詢new window
15.蔡崇名。中學國文教材及教學法。學海出版社。  延伸查詢new window
16.邱燮友。美讀與朗誦。幼獅文化事業公司。  延伸查詢new window
17.謝文利。詩歌美學。北京:中國青年出版社。  延伸查詢new window
18.黃永武。讀書與賞詩。洪範書店。  延伸查詢new window
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