

作者:李勝雄 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, Shying-shyong
主題關鍵詞:健康體適能學童個案研究智類學校仁類學校勇類學校肌耐力心肺耐力Health-related physical fitnessPrimary school childrenCase studySagacity schoolCharitySchoolCourage schoolMusculor enduranceCirculo-endurance
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     本研究主要在於了解臺中縣轄區智仁勇類學校男女九~十二歲學童之健康體適能發展,及其所就讀學校之活動條件和其生活型態對其健康體適能發展的可能影響。研究採生長發展研究法之橫斷性調查,並以教育部體育司所發展之小學健康體適能測量項目為測驗工具,及研究者自編之生活型態調查表和學校飽和比調查表為研究工具。受測學童之抽樣採城鄉區域劃分,依智仁勇學校類別146所小學中,分別抽取智類學校12所,仁類學校12所,勇類學校12所;抽測人數依年齡別抽取智類學校1693人,仁類學校1394人,勇類學校1342人,總抽測人數4429人。資料之處理,就研究目的所指,以SAS/PC統計套裝軟體,分別進行年齡間、性別間、學校間、城鄉間等差異的t檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關考驗及卡方考驗,顯著性皆定為百分之五(α=0.05)。本研究結果發現,智仁勇三類學校九~十二歲男女學童在年齡問、性別間、學校間、城鄉間的體型態發育、健康體適能發展、生活型態與活動條件,有如下差異特徵。 一、 在年齡體型態發育和健康體適能發展方面: (一)、智仁勇九~十二歲男學童立定跳遠、仰臥起坐、八百公尺跑走均優於女學童,但坐姿體前彎曲,女學童優於男學童。即男學童之瞬發力、心肺耐力、肌耐力較優,女學童柔軟性較佳。 (二)、體型態發育,智仁勇三類學校九~十歲男學童,十~十一歲女學童差異較大,但B.M.I無明顯差異。 二、在整體體型態發育、健康體適能發展及生活型態與活動條件方面: (一)、智類學校學童體型態發育及健康體適能發展,整體而言較仁勇類學童為優,但心肺適能一項,勇類學校學童優於智仁類學校學童。 (二)、智類學校學童在校外身體活動參與率較仁勇類學校學童為高。 (三)、智類學校學童在校內運動訓練與課後遊戲參與率,較仁勇類學校學童為低。 (四)、智類學校學童的運動場地、遊戲器材擁有率,較仁勇類學校學童為低,而以勇類學校學童擁有率最高。 (五)、體型態發育,女學童優於男學童。
     In a conclusive view of physique growth, development on health-related physical fitness and life. pattern activities condition conducted on the children in three types of schools, which are specified as sagacity, charity, courage focus, differential features include: 1.Age and Physique growth of development on health-related physical fitness. (1)For standing broad jump, sit-ups, 800M distance run in any schools of the said three types, 9~12 aged boys were superior to girls. However, boys were inferior to girls in sitting trunk flection. Thus, it may be included that boys have better explosive power, circulo endurance, musculor endurance, while girls had more capacity in flexibility. (2)In the three types of schools, boys aged 9~10 as well as girls aged 10~11 were much more difference in their physique growth, but insignificant difference in B.M.I.for groups. 2.For the integrated conditions of physique growth, development on health-related physical fitness, life pattern and activities condition. (1) sagacity schools children had better physique growth and greater development on health-related physical fitness than those in other two types of school. However, courage schools children excel those of the other two types in circulo-endurance. (2) sagacity schools children participate more of out-campus physical activities than those in the other two types of schools (3) sagacity schools children participate in less in-campus sports training and after class games than those in the other two types of schools. (4) sagacity schools children had less share rate of sports field and playing facilities than those in the other two types of schools, and the courage schools children had sharing rate than the others. (5) All girls were superior to boys in physique growth at the period of aged 9-12.
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