

作者:柯慧貞 引用關係黃耿妍李毅達莊麗珍
作者(外文):Ko, Huei-chenHuang, Keng-yienLee, Yih-darChuang, Li-chen
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     本研究旨在評估貝氏憂鬱量表(BDI)用在篩選周產期憂鬱症的信效度及不同分割 點之適用性。在某醫學中心取樣 135 個產前與 132 個產後婦女,先以貝氏憂鬱表 10 分 為篩選工具篩選出可能為憂鬱組的個案與非憂鬱組的個案,再由其中各取樣部分樣本以半結 構化晤談表進行診斷晤談,以確立診斷;結果發現貝氏憂鬱表具有滿意的內部一致性信度, 且能區分出嚴重型憂鬱症與未達嚴重型憂鬱症之輕型憂鬱症者。應用於篩選時,以 10 分篩 選嚴重型憂鬱症,可達 100% 敏感度,但特異性只達 78%;若篩選憂鬱程度較輕之憂鬱者, 10 分之敏感度為 83%,特異性為 86%。 本研究另外建立了不同分割點之敏感度、特異性及 正確率等值以供不同篩選目的時之參考。
     This study was designed to evaluate the appropriateness of BDI as a screening tool for detecting pre-and postpartum depression. One hundred and thirty-five pregnant women and 132 postpartum women were screened for major depression by BDI using cut-off point of 10. Two samples of possible cases and non-cases completed further diagnostic interviews using SADS-L and SADS. Using a cut-off point of 10. the BDI showed sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 78% in prospectively detecting major depression and sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 86% in minor depression. The appropriateness of Various cut-off score of BDI was also evaluated in this study.
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