

作者(外文):Lui, Chi-wai
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1.Gillis, J.(1975)。The evolution of juvenile delinquency in England, 1890-1914。Past and Present,67,96-126。  new window
2.Hilgartner, S.、Bosk, C. L.(1988)。The Rise and Fall of Social Problems: A Public Arenas Model。American Journal of Sociology,94(1),53-78。  new window
3.蔡寶瓊(1990)。從「奴化教育」與「文化沙漠」到本土文化的抬頭:香港文化的發展與中國近代革命的轉折。教育學報,18(2),153-164。  延伸查詢new window
4.Tu, W. M.(1976)。The Confucian perception of adulthood。Daedalus,2,109-123。  new window
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14.Vagg, Jon(1991)。Policing Hong Kong。Policing and Society,1,235-247。  new window
15.Baker, Hugh D. R.(1983)。Life in the Cities: the Emergence of Hong Kong Man。The China Quarterly,95,469-481。  new window
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17.White, Rob(1993)。Young People and the Policing of Community Space。Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology,26(3),207-218。  new window
18.White, Rob、Sutton, Adam(1995)。Crime Prevention, Urban Space and Social Exclusion。Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology,31(1),82-99。  new window
19.Ho, Kwai-wah(1976)。Social Action and Political Activities: A Case Study of the Movement to Eliminate Sex and Violence in Children's Comic Books in Hong Kong。The Hong Kong Journal of Social Work,10(2),18-23。  new window
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22.Allison, James、Jenks, Chris(1996)。Public Perceptions of Childhood Criminality。British Journal of Sociology,47(2),315-331。  new window
23.Morrow, Virginia(1996)。Rethinking Childhood Dependency: Children's Contributions to the Domestic Economy。The Sociological Review,44(1),58-77。  new window
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25.Qvortrup, Jens(1987)。[The Sociology of Childhood] Introduction。International Journal of Sociology,17(3),3-37。  new window
26.Alanen, Leena(1988)。Rethinking Childhood。Acta Sociologico,31,153-167。  new window
27.Blitzer, Silvia(1991)。They Are only Children, What Do They Know?: A Look at Current Ideologies of Childhood。Sociological Studies of Child Development,4,11-25。  new window
28.Gillis, John(1993)。Vanishing Youth: The Uncertain Place of the Young in a Global Age。Young,1(1),3-17。  new window
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2.Boethius, U.(1995)。Youth, the Media and Moral Panics。Youth Culture in Late Modernity。London:Sage。  new window
3.McLaughlin, Eugene、Muncie, John(1993)。Juvenile Delinquency。Social Problems and the Family。London:Sage。  new window
4.Platt, Anthony(1982)。The Rise of the Child-saving Movement。The Sociology of Childhood: Essential Readings。London:Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd。  new window
5.周永新(1984)。青少年與香港的未來。香港社會福利政策評析。香港:天地圖書。  延伸查詢new window
6.陳藜生(1987)。香港的青少年服務。香港社會福利服務論從。香港:集賢社。  延伸查詢new window
7.Wong, Rosanna(1994)。Youth development: reflecting back and looking forward。25 Years of Social and Economic Development in Hong Kong。Hong Kong:University of Hong Kong。  new window
8.Miners, Norman(1990)。The attempts to abolish the Mui Tsai system in Hong Kong。Between East and West: Aspects of Social and Political Development in Hong Kong。Hong Kong:University of Hong Kong。  new window
9.Smith, Carl(1995)。The First Child Labour Law in Hong Kong。A Sense of History of Hong Kong: Studies in the Social and Urban History of Hong Kong。Hong Kong:Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co. Ltd。  new window
10.Choi, Po-king(1990)。A Search for Cultural Identity: The students' Movement of the Early Seventies。Differences and Identities: Educational Argument in Late Twentieth Century Hong Kong。Hong Kong:Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong。  new window
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13.Lethbridge, Henry(1980)。The 'Management' of Social Information during Periods of Growth: the Problem of Sexual Violence in Hong Kong。Hong Kong: Dilemma of Growth。Australia:Australian National University。  new window
14.Vagg, Jon(1994)。Crime and its control in Hong Kong: Recent Developments and Future Prospects。25 Years of Social and Economic Development in Hong Kong。  new window
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24.Lee, Ming-kwan(1992)。Family and Gentler Issues。Indicators of Social Development Hong Kong 1990。Hong Kong:The Chinese University of Hong Kong。  new window
25.Gray, Patricia(1991)。Juvenile Crime and Disciplinary Welfare。Crime and Justice in Hong Kong。Hong Kong:Oxford University Press。  new window
26.Smith, Susan(1989)。Social Relations, Neighbourhood Structure, and the Fear of Crime in Britain。The Geography of Crime。London:Routledge。  new window
27.White, Rob(1994)。Street Life: Police Practices and Youth Behavior。The Police and Young People in Australia。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
28.張月愛、章嘉雯(1983)。透視香港年青人的消費文化。普及文化在香港。香港:曙光出版社。  延伸查詢new window
29.Castel, Robert(1991)。From dangerousness to risk。The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality。London:Harvester。  new window
30.Prout, Alan、James, Allison(1990)。A New Paradigm for the Sociology of Childhood? Provenance, Promise and Problems。Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood。London:The Falmer Press。  new window
31.Jenks, Chris(1982)。Introduction: Constituting the Child。The Sociology of Childhood: Essential Readings。London:Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd。  new window
32.Pearson, Geoffrey(1984)。Falling standards: A Short, Sharp History of Moral Decline。The Video Nasties: Freedom and Censorship in the Media。London:Pluto Press。  new window
33.Jordanova, Ludmilla(1989)。Children in History: Concepts of Nature and Society。Children, Parents and Politics。New York:Cambridge University Press。  new window
34.Jenks, Chris(1995)。Decoding childhood。Discourse and Reproduction: Essays in Honour of Basil Bernstein。New York:Hampton Press。  new window
35.Stephens, Sharon(1995)。Children and the politics of culture in 'late capitalism'。Children and the Politics of Culture。New Jersey:Princeton University Press。  new window
36.Pearson, Geoffrey(1994)。Youth, crime, and society。The Oxford Handbook of Criminology。Oxford:Oxford University Press。  new window
37.Drotner, Kirsten(1992)。Modernity and media panics。Media Cultures: Reappraising Transnational Media。Routledge。  new window
38.Coleman, John(1992)。The nature of adolescence。Youth Policy in the 1990s: The Way Forward。London:Routledge。  new window
39.Qvortrup, Jens(1990)。A Voice for Children in Statistical and Social Accounting: A Plea for Children's Right to be heard。Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood。London:The Falmer Press。  new window
40.Okin, Susan Moller(1991)。Gender, the Public and the Private。Political Theory Today。Cambridge:Polity。  new window
41.Coveney, Peter(1982)。The image of child。The Sociology of Childhood: Essential Readings。London:Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd。  new window
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