

題名:Astudy of Curriculum Development Models and Curriculum Reform Problems of Taiwan Business Junior Colleges
作者(外文):Kuo, Yu-lin
主題關鍵詞:課程發展課程修訂Curriculum developmentCurriculum reform
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     由於社會快速變遷,商業專科學校課程需配合課程理論的發展,科技 進步,經社結構之改變,不斷加以調整、更新,始能因應時代的需要。本研究旨 在探討商專課程發展過程模式之基本概念,及影響其課程設計與發展之主要因 素,並針對課程修訂的諸多爭議與問題進行分析,期能透過理論探討與問題分 析,提出相關建議,俾供課程發展與修訂之參考。經由文獻探討,本研究列出五 個重要課程發展模式,並將發展過程分為課程設計、課程實施、課程評鑑三階段, 並逐一分析此三階段之重要影響因素,且進一步分析在此三階段,課程修訂所面 臨的問題。針對上述之重要發現,研究者提出數項建議以供參考:1.教育部需建立 一課程發展與修訂常設機構2.課程發展與修訂應有周詳計3.課程設計應重視學 生的需求,並加強企業界對課程發展的參與,以符合就業市場的需要4.賦予教師 更多的課程參與與決定權5.重視與落實新課程實施的評鑑.
     The purpose of this research was to explore curriculum development modelsand curriculum reform problems in Taiwan business junior colleges. Thisresearch first investigated the definition of curriculum and studied fivecurriculum development models. According to curriculum development models,the process of curriculum development generally has three stages; these stagesinclude curriculum design, curriculum implementation, and curriculumevaluation. With regard to the curriculum design stage, this study investigated thecharacteristics and rationale of business junior college curriculum, as well as howto combine theory and practice in business curriculum. With regard to theimplementation stage, this study focused on leadership and the importance of theteacher's involvement in curriculum decision-making. With regard to thecurriculum evaluation stage, selected aspects of the context-input-process-produce (CIPP) model for discussion. This research also discussed and analyzed several curriculum reformproblems and issues in Taiwan. Such analysis was primarily conducted byreviewing relevant data and conference records. These problems involvedcurriculum development organization, curriculum design, implementation, andevaluation. Based on the above investigation of curriculum development modelsand the analysis and synthesis of curriculum reform problems, the researcheroffers recommendations related to the curriculum reform of business juniorcollages and to further related studies.
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