

作者:詹家昌 引用關係劉維琪 引用關係吳欽杉
作者(外文):Chan, Cha-chungLiu, Victor W.Wu, Chin-shun
主題關鍵詞:聲譽固守職位內部報造ReputationEntrenchmentInternal reporting
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本文說明了在一個資訊不對成稱公司中,經理人的内部報告決策。與以往有關的研究相較(如Sridhar, 1994),我們考慮了在聲譽與固守職位的聯合誘因下,賽局存在的混合解與分離解條件。相信在解釋經理人的複雜行為上有其實證上的貢獻。
In this paper, we demonstrate the managerial internal reporting policy when information asymmetries exist within a firm. In contrast to earlier studies (see of Sri S. Sridhar, 1994), we find that in the presence of both reputation and entrenchment incentives, there are many conditions under which pooling and separating equilibria are established. We believe this results can contribute to the explanation of the complicated managerial behavior.
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