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延遲性肌肉酸痛(Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, DOMS),是指運動後八至二十四小時所發生的肌肉酸痛,其發生的機轉,可能是由於肌肉組織的損傷、結締組織的損傷或是肌肉的痙攣所致。DOMS會導致局部肌群的腫脹、局部關節活動度的下降、肌力的減退與疼痛,而影響運動表現。運動訓練科學化主要的目的,是要將運動員的體能發揮至極限,以創造更佳的運動表現。因此,如格以最有效的療法,來預防或降低延遲性肌肉酸痛,是相當重要的。本篇乃就常用於減輕或預防延遲性肌肉酸痛的療法,作一初步的探討與比較。
1.Hasson, S.、Barnes, W.、Hunter, M.、Williams, J.(1989)。Therapeutic effect of high speed voluntary muscle contractions on muscle soreness and muscle performance。Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy,10,499-504。  new window
2.Byrnes, W. C.、Clarkson, P. M.、White, J. S.、Hsieh, S. S.、Frykman, P. N.、Maughan, R. J.(1985)。Delayed onset muscle soreness following repeated bouts of downhill running。Journal of Applied Physiology,59(3),710-715。  new window
3.Hill, D. W.、Richardson, J. D.(1989)。Effectiveness of 10% trolamine salicylate cream on muscular soreness induced by a reproducible program of weight training。Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy,11,19-23。  new window
4.Politinom, V.、Smith, S. L.、Waggoner, W. C.(1985)。A clinical study of tocipl 10% triethanolamine salicylate cream for relief of post-exercise muscle pain。Athletic Training,20,29-31。  new window
5.Smith, L. L.、Keating, M. N.、Holbert, D.、Spratt, D. J.、McCammon, M. R.、Smith, S. S.、Israel, R. G.(1994)。The effects of athletic massage on delayed onset muscle soreness, creatine kinase, and neutrophil count: a preliminary report。The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy,19(2),93-99。  new window
6.Smith, L. L.、Brunetz, M. H.、Chenier, T. C.、McCammon, M. R.、Houmard, J. A.、Franklin, M. E.、Israel, R. G.(1993)。The effects of static and ballistic stretching on delayed onset muscle soreness and creatine kinase。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,64(1),103-107。  new window
7.Denegar, C. R.、Perrine, D. H.、Rogol, A. D.、Rutt, R.(1989)。Influence of transcutaneous nerve stimulation on pain, range of motion, and serum cortisol concentration in females experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness。Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy,11,100-103。  new window
8.Armstrong, R. B.(1990)。Initial Events in Exercised-induced Muscular Soreness。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,54,429-435。  new window
9.Hasson, S. M.、Mundorf, R.、Barnes, W. S.、Williams, J. H.(1989)。Effect of ultrasound on muscle soreness and performance。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,21(suppl.),S36。  new window
10.Ebbeling, C. B.、Clarkson, P. M.(1989)。Exercise-induced muscle damage and adaptation。Sports Medicine,7,207-234。  new window
11.Donnelly, A. E.、McCurmick, K.、Maughan, R. J.、Whiting, P. H.、Clarkson, P. M.(1988)。Effects of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on delayed onset muscle soreness and indices of damage。British Journal of Sports Medicine,22,35-38。  new window
12.Buroker, K. J.、Schwane, J. A.(1989)。Does post-exercise static stretching alleviate exercise-induced delayed muscle soreness?。The Physician and Sports Medicine,17,65-83。  new window
13.High, D. M.、Howley, E. T.、Franks, B. D.(1989)。The effects of static stretching and warm-up on prevention of delayed-onset muscle soreness。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,60(4),357-361。  new window
14.Wenos, J. Z.、Brilla, L. R.、Morrison, M. J.(1990)。Effect of massage on delayed onset muscle soreness。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,22(suppl.),S34。  new window
15.Braun, B.、Clarkson, P. M.(1989)。Effect of cold treatment during eccentric exercise。Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.,21(suppl.),S89。  new window
16.Denegar, C. R.、Bradley, C.(1988)。High and low frequency TENS in the treatment of induced musculoskeletal pain: a comparison study。Athletic Training,23(3),235-237。  new window
17.Miller, G.、Wilcox, A.、Schwenkel, J.(1988)。The protective effect of a prior bout of downhill running on delayed onset muscular soreness。Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.,20(suppl.),S75。  new window
18.Michael, R. P.、Peter, M. T.、Michael, J. P.(1987)。Effects of downhill or uphill training to a downhill run。Eur. J. Appl. Physiol.,56,668-672。  new window
19.Schwane, J. A.、Armstrong, R. B.(1983)。Effect of training on skeletal muscle injury from downhill runing in rats。J. Appl. Physiol.,55,969-975。  new window
20.Isabella, W. K.、Durrant, E.、Myrer, W.、Anderson, S.(1992)。The effects of ice massage, ice massage with exercise, and exercise on the prevention and treatment of delayed onset muscle soreness。J. Athletic Training,27(3),208-217。  new window
21.Yackzan, I.、Adams, C.、Francis, K. T.(1984)。The effect of ice massage on delayed muscle soreness。Am. J. Sports Med.,12,159-165。  new window
22.陳忠慶、謝伸裕(19951200)。伸展療法與冷療法對延遲性肌肉酸痛的影響。體育學報,20,281-291。new window  延伸查詢new window
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