

作者:張慧銖 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Huei-chu
主題關鍵詞:資訊政策圖書館與資訊服務政策Information policyNational policy for library and information services
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     自 1975 年以降,整個世界無論東、西方皆已逐漸邁向資訊社會。多數學者咸認資訊已然成為國家的資源之一,而與能源、物質三者共同決定我們的生活品質。對於圖書館來說,由於使用者對於生活與知識的需求在廣度與深度方面都有極明顯的增強趨勢,因此如何訂定一個國家的圖書與資訊服務政策,將全國的資源視為一個整體,結合政府單位及私人企業共同研商,並透過立法及財務上的支援,使現存的服務加深、加廣、統籌規劃以避免不必要的重複與浪費,可說是十分重要。本文擬透過馬來西亞的國家圖書館與資訊服務政策及中國圖書館學會所提出之我國二十一世紀圖書館發展新指標做一比較研究,期能了解兩國政策之研訂經過、基本原則與目標、包括要項及條文內容等,盼能從中取人之長補己之短,做為我國未來訂定國家圖書與資訊服務政策之參考。
     Since 1975 the whole world, both eastern and western, has gradually bec ome an information society. Most scholars nowadays consider information as one of the resources of a nation. Information, together with energy and matter, are the three basic factors of detemining the quality of our life, As far as libraries are concerned, as their users have been increasing needs for life and knowledge extensively and profoundly, to establish a national policy for library and informations services is very important. This policy should view the information resources within a nation as a whole that combines the counsel from government agencies and private enterprises as well as getting legal and financial support in order to extend, deepen current services and prevent any repeat or waste of services. This article compares the national policy for library and information services in Malaysia with the New Direction for Library Development in 21st Century, which is established by Chinese Library Associati on, in expectation of understanding the establishing processes, basic principles and objectives, subjects covered, and the contents of both policies.
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