

作者:黃恆獎 引用關係王仕茹 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Heng-chiangWang, Shih-ju
主題關鍵詞:合資所有權結構不穩定性事件歷史分析法危險率模型Joint ventrueOwnership structureInstabilityEvent history analysisHazard rate model
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     The study of international joint ventures has recently become a popular topic among researchers and managers of multinational corporations in the field of international business. Despite a long list of research findings on joint ventures, there were few empirical studies of their instability in Taiwan. Using event history analysis a:roach, the authors analyze determinants of instability of international joint ventures between local and foreign firms. Instability is proxied by a change of ownership structure, which signifies the occurrence of an event Changes in ownership structure mean that an incorrect decision was made at initial entry, or they may reflect a strategic adaptaion to changing environmental conditions. Managers should deal with such events in line with their strategic intent. The hypothesized model is tested under a Cox proportional hazard rate specification. Our major findings provide some su:ort for the hypotheses that joint ventures tend to be unstable when partners start out with even equity shares, and when the purposes of joint ventures are to perform the functions of marketing, distribution and after sales service.
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