

作者:劉宗其 引用關係吳志正張淑昭
作者(外文):Liu, Tsung-chiWu, Jyh-jengChang, Su-chao
主題關鍵詞:權力決策過程企業型態PowerDecision making processBusiness patterns
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     本研究採取大樣本、跨產業之研究方式,將權力的觀念納入組織決策中,並以臺 灣公、民營企業為樣本進行權力與決策制定關係之研究。研究結果顯示,企業之權力來源可 分為:資源掌握、專家知識、決策核心、人際網路四種來源;且權力對於組織之決策過程有 明顯正向之影響。而各種不同之組織,其權力來源對決策過程影響程度也有所不同;家族企 業中,以「資源掌握」之影響力最為深遠;外資企業權力來源對決策過程並無明顯之影響; 至於一般民營企業中,「資源掌握」及「專家知識」較能影響決策之進行;在公營企業中, 「資源掌握」仍有最大之影響力,但在「決定公司可以經營之範圍」上,各種權力來源均有 顯著之影響。在不同績效下,權力來源對決策影響力明顯有所不同,績差組群在決策過程中 ,比績優組群受到更多權力來源之影響。權力擁有者之權力愈大,報酬愈高,且不論其績效 如何,權力擁有者之報酬均無顯著差異。
     By taking a large sample for cross-industry study, the concept of power was integrated into the organizational decision process. This study further took the Taiwanese government-owned as well as private enterprises for the purpose of finding the relationship between power and pecision making. The results revealed that various sources of power could be grouped into four categories: resources holdings, expertise, decision core, and interpersonal networking. The impact level of power on decision making process differs in organizational type. For family businesses, "resources holdings" exercise the greatest influence. For foreign-capital-based business, it is found that various sources of power have no significant impact on the decision making process. As to other private Companies, "resources holdings" and "expertise" have more impact on the decision making. "resources holdings" has the greatest impact in government-owed enterprises. On the issues of"deciding business domain", all kinds of power source show significant impact. Under different levels of performance, sources of power also show different influence level on decision making. The low-performance companies endure more impact from power than the high-performances companies do. Furthermore, the greater power one possesses, the higher compensation one will receive. And no matter how is their performance, the compensation received these who own power shows no difference.
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