

作者(外文):Lin, Pi-chuLin, Li-chanLin, Jin-jen
主題關鍵詞:人工膝關節置換術手術前衛教成人教育知識手術後運動Total knee arthroplastyPreoperative teachingAndragogyKnowledgePostoperative exercise
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     本研究目的在比較不同衛教時機與衛教方式,對人工膝關節置換術患者之手術前焦慮程度、知識度程、手術後執行復健運動、身體功能恢復情形之影響。採類實驗設計,樣本來源為臺北市某一醫學中心之骨科病人,採立意取樣法,總計收案60人,實驗組30人。 實驗處理後,所得資料以描述性分析、t檢定、配對t檢定、共變數分析、相關分析等方法來分析。研究結果如下:(1)兩組病患之焦慮程度沒有差異。(2)實驗組的知識得分顯著高於控制組。(3)實驗組病患手術後復健運動執行的規律性和正確性,顯著優於控制組。(4)實驗組病患手術後第六天膝關節彎曲度數,顯著大於控制組。(5)兩組病患手術後第一次下床時間、上下床及走路能力、住院天數無顯著差異。根據研究結果,建議未來可將人工膝關節置換術病人的手術前衛教安排於門診住院前舉行。
     The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of different educational programs for patients with total knee arthroplasty. The preoperative anxiety level, knowledge level, postoperative exercise performance, and postoperative recovery were used as outcome measures. A quasi-experimental design was used. with subjects chosen from a medical center in metropolitan Taipei, Taiwan. The total sample size was 60, 30 for the experimental group and 30 for the control group. After the experimental treatment, descriptive analysis, t-test, paired t-test, ANCOVA, and Pearson correlation were used to analyze collected data. The results were as follows:1. There was no significant difference between the two groups in anxiety score. 2. The experimental group had a significantly higher knowledge level than the control group. 3. The experimental group performed exercise more regularly and correctly than the control group. 4. The experimental group had greater flexion of the operative knee joint than the control group. 5. There was no significant difference between the two groups at the first postoperative ambulatory episode, in getting out of bed, ambulating ability and length of stay. Based on the research findings, pre-admission teaching for patients with total knee arthroplasty is recommended.
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