

作者:施能木 引用關係
作者(外文):Shih, Neng-mu
主題關鍵詞:教學媒體電腦網路電腦輔助學習Instruction mediaComputer networkComputer assisted learning
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     本文旨在探討一個教學資源網路的建構,及其在教學的應用與潛在問題。本文根 據國內、外相關文獻的探討,來說明現今電化教學媒體的種類與特性,及其發展與各運用情 形,然後提出教學資源網路所涵蓋的內容與建構方法。最後,探討其在國小教學中「遠距學 習」、「合作學習」、「教學溝通」、「教學資源的搜集」等四項應用範圍,及「初學者適 應與迷失」、「學習者認佑結構的整合」、「學習者認知負荷」、「學習者的年齡」、「 學習者的自我控制」等五項潛在問題。期能藉由教學資源網路的建構,且真正應用電腦化 教學媒體於教學中,讓學習者進行各種學習,以培養應有的科技素養,而成為能適應未來科 技生活的公民。
     The purpose of this study is to investigated the networking construction of instruction sources and th epossible caused during the applications of teaching and learning. This study reviewed the ralated domestic and foreign literatures to introduce the characters and developments of computer-based instruction media and to present the contents and the ways of networking construction. Besides, It's also inquired into four topics which have been utilizing in the instructions of elementary schools such as "distance learning"i"cooperative learning"I"teachig communication" ad "the collection of instruction sources". As well as there are five possible problems casued which are "the adjustment misunderstanding from beginner"、 "the integration of learner's cognitive structure"、 "the congnitive overload of learner"、 "the age of learner"and "the self-control of learner". In conclusion, by the construction of instruction resources network, the computer-based instruction media are expected to well perform and study between teachers and students so as to cultivate our techology literacy and instruct people how to cope with computer tehcology in their future life.
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