

作者:黃鴻博 引用關係
作者(外文):Hunag, Hung-po
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     科學-技學-社會互動(STS)的理念逐漸被認為是當今重要科學教育改革的運動,研 究發現:有越來越多的國家教育學者、教師認同 STS 的理念,但是,這並不表示 STS 教育 真實的在學校中造成改變或完全落實在教學情境中,這種落差主要基於:缺乏有效的教學資 源、教材、師資訓練與教師在職教育計畫。 課程發展與師資培育是推展實施 STS 教育的關 鍵,筆者認為進行 STS 課程發展的行動研究可以有效整合解決這兩個問題。 在民國八十四 年八月筆者和七位國小現職教師基於共同對 STS 理念的興趣與認同組成行動研究小組, 針 對如何發展適合在國民小學課外活動實施之 STS 課程進行為期一年的研究, 獲得一些經驗 與成果。 本文主要針對如何發展 STS 課程論題進行探究,並描述研究小組工作上所獲得的 經驗與成果。內容包含三個部份:一、文獻探討:STS 課程教材之教育取向、內容、實施方 式。二、以實例說明 STS 教學活動發展方法。三、討論教師在 STS 課程教材發展中的角色 。
     Science-Technology-society (STS) is recognized as reform in science education across the world. Research suggests that many educators, teachers are aware of, and support the implementation of STS. However, The fact that teach ers embrace STS recommendations does not necessarily mean that changes and practices in STS education will occur. Because, lack of resources, curriculum matters; teacher training and in-service programming. Issue of curriculum development and teacher education are central to STS implementation, In my view that action research in STS curriculum development is a coherent and viable way of addressing these issues, In an effort to con tribute to STS education, an action research group was established in August 1995 until June 1996, The group comprised myself and seven elementary teachers, these teachers share common interest in STS education. This paper outlines the arguments of how to developed STS curriculum, and describes some experiences and outcomes of our action research group works. The paper includes three parts: (1) To review documents about STS education approach, contents and implementation. (2) To describe experience and outcomes of STS curriculum development. (3) To discuses the role of teachers in STS curriculum development.
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