

作者:尹玫君 引用關係劉蓁蓁
作者(外文):Yin, Mie-chum
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     隨著資訊網路科技與傳播媒體的蓬勃發展,透過科技來幫助老師的教學與學生的 學習,藉以提昇教育的品質,擴展教育的層面已成為教育上的新趨勢。這種新趨勢使得利用 電腦網路所進行的遠距教學,成為目前大家所關注的教育型態。遠距教學的實施,使得老師 的教學與學生的學習角色,產生了很大的改變,電腦網路應用於教育上不將是傳統教育的補 足,而是未來主要的學習方式之一,像這樣的教學方式,使得學生能夠在更自我、獨立及自 由的方式及環境下學習,也更能激發學生的自律性。本文即就遠距教學的理論及相關文獻做 一探討與介紹。
     Following the rapid development in both the network technology and communication media, the idea of helping teachers' teaching and student learning through technology has already become the new mainstream in education. This new trend make distance education become a new method of teaching. The application of distance education does change the roles of teacher and student greatly. The implementation of network in education is not only a supplement of the tradition education, it is one of the new learning methods of education for tomorrow. And it can stimulate our learners to learn in a more self-sufficient, independent and free surrounding. This paper is focus on the exploration of the theory and related literature of distance education.
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