

作者:尤煌傑 引用關係
作者(外文):Yu, Huang-chieh
主題關鍵詞:好奇論文寫作訓練中國哲學學會哲學概論研究方法WonderThesis writing training classChinese associatuon of philosophyIntroduction to philosophyResearch method
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      本文分成以下段落:(一)前言,(二)本論: (1) 論文寫作訓練 (2) 成效評估,(三)展望。在前言中,筆者以「好奇」、「第一原理」、「批判」三個觀念來說明哲學思 維活動中的主體特性、客體特性、主客關係的建立。基於這種哲學思維的特性,藉以說明邏輯推理以及論文寫作能力在哲學系學生的專業課程訓練中的重要性。 同時也說明整個哲學界對於培養學生論文寫作能力的注重。在本論的 (1) 論文寫作訓練中,筆者介紹所任教的輔仁大學哲學系開設的「哲學概論討論」課中,有關論文寫作訓練的課程設計。包括課程目標、教材、教法等內容。在 (2) 成效評估中,筆者附列對於曾經授課的學生所實施的兩次問卷調查結果,一次是在教學中所做,另一次是在結束課程訓練之後的次一學年中所做的追蹤調查。同時也補充對於本系老師的問卷調查,考察各門科目老師對於本系學生論文寫作的看法。在「展望」這一小節中,筆者從一個授課老師的立場來說明對於哲學系學生的論文寫作訓練課程設計的期許。
      This article's contents are as follows: (1) Training in thesis writing (2) An estimation of the results. (3) Expectations I hope in the introduction to explain “Wonder”, “First Principles” and “Judgment” in the philosophical thinking process of the understanding the subject, object and the synthesis of the two. Basically, this philosophical method employs logical inference in the important task of training philosophy students in writing coherent thesis in their classes. This method simultaneously explains a philosophical world to the students who are cultivating their thesis writing abilities. In the first part, I would like to introduce Fu Jen University's “Introduction to Philosophy” classes, focusing on the classes that train students how to write a thesis. This will include the goal of our class, materials used, teaching methods, etcetera. In the section concerning an estimation of effectiveness, I would like to include the results of two surveys I took while conducting these classes. One was conducted during the course of the class. The other was a follow up survey done in the following school year. I would also like to submit evaluations of the professors of this department and the professor evaluations of student's thesis writing abilities. In the last part, I would like to explain, from a professor's perspective, our expectations of philosophy students in establishing this thesis writing class.
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1.Stolnitz, Jerome(1960)。Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art Criticism--A Critical Introduction。Boston:Houghton, Mifflin Co。  new window
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1.Aristotle(1966)。Metaphysics。Aristotle's Metaphysics。Indiana University Press。  new window
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