

作者:陳嵩 引用關係蔡明田
作者(外文):Chen, SongTasi, Ming-tien
主題關鍵詞:企業倫理倫理氣候倫理哲學倫理評價Business ethicsEthical climateEthical philosophyEthical evaluation
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     本研究之目的在探討產業倫理氣候對組織倫理氣候、個人倫理哲學的影響;其次 分析認知的組織倫理氣候與個人倫理哲學的相互關係、及其對個人倫理評價之影響。以人 壽保險業及汽車銷售業的業務人員為問卷調查研究對象,研究結果顯示,(1)產業倫理氣候 對組織倫理氣候有顯著的影響;(2) 組織倫理氣候顯著的影響個人倫理哲學;(3) 在人壽保 險業,行銷業務人員的倫理評價主要受組織法律規章、及功利氣候的影響;但在汽車銷售業 ,行銷業務人員的倫理評價主要受組織功利氣候的影響。
     The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of industry ethical climate on organizational ethical climate and on personal ethical philosophy. It focuses on the mutual relationship between perceived organizational ethical climate and personal ethical philosophy, and their impacts on personal ethical evaluation toward unethical marketing conducts. The research investigates the ethical views through questionnairing the salesforce of car deal and life insurance industries in Taiwan. The results indicate that the industry ethical climate does influence the organizational ethical climate, and organizational ethical climate influences personal ethical philosophy. In life insurance, the ethical evaluation is influenced by organization's law-rules and utilitarian climates; however, in car deal, the ethical evaluation is dominated by utilitarian climate.
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