

作者:姚漢禱 引用關係
作者(外文):Yau, Han-dau
主題關鍵詞:古典測驗理論概化理論試題及應理論適性測驗運動技能測驗Classical test theoryGeneralizability theoryItem response theoryTailored testsPsychomotor tests
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     本文旨在評論古典測驗理論、概化理論和試題反應理論並討論這些理論在運動技 能測驗上的應用。古典測驗理論也推論為古典信度理論,因為它主要的是觀察分數的可靠 性,古典測驗理論廣泛的應用在體育運動領域。其次是概化理論,共分為概化研究和決斷 研究兩部份,概化研究旨在估計測量層面的不同變異成份,而決斷研究推論至運動技能測 驗各層面的最佳決定。今日試題反應理論已使用在許多大型的測驗計畫,目前試題反應理 論應用在運動技能測驗的估計問題有固定試做次數型式和適性測驗,本文暗示測量理論於 體育運動的編製測驗、測量品質和統計分析是很重要的。
     The purpose of this study was to review of Classical test Theory (CT), Generalizability Theory (GT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) and discuss the application of these theories to psychomotor testing. The CT was also referred to as the classical reliability theory because its major task was to estimate the reliability of the manifest scores of a test. CT was most widely used in physical education and exercise science. GT was the next.. It was divided into two parts:G-study and D-study. In G-study, t he purpose was to estimate the variance associated with various facets of measurement. The D-study was referred to as the best of decision in the facets of psychomotor tests. Today, IRT has been and is being used in many large-scale testing programs. Most of the applications of IRT to current assessment problems in psychomotor tests were fixed-length tests and tailored tests. It suggested than measurement theory was as important as the constructing tests, the quality of measured, and statistical analysi s in physical education and exercise science.
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