

作者:李麗日 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, Li-jih
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     實習教育在社會工作的專業養成教育中,肩負統整、驗證理論與實務的重要使命 ,是培養社工專業人才的必經訓練。唯國內探討實習教育方面的研究,不僅為數不多,且多 一面倒的以機構實習為主要研究方向,對實習教育的「教學方法」與機構實習前的「準備課 程」,甚少涉及。本文嘗試將社會工作價值體系相似的個別化教學模式,帶入社會工作的實 習教育課程中。首先介紹個別化教學的意涵:其次探討三種適用於實習教學中的教學模式- 凱勒的個別化教學模式、人本派的個別化教學模式、史勒汶的合作式個別化教學模式;最後 則嘗試以東海大學實習 (一 ) 課程為例, 分別依課程發展、教學方法、教學評量、教學流 程等四個方向,將三種個別化教學模式混合運甪於課程之中,並分別探討其優缺。 
     Field education nudertakes the important resonibility of verifying and implementing theories in the filed of social work. It is an essential part of the educational process by which social workers are trained. Yet research in field education is not only few in number, but alos limited in scope to institutional field work. Research to date rarely inculdes teaching methods in fied education or preparatory courses for institutional field work. This article attempts to bring Individualized Teaching Model, which is compatible to the value system of socail work, into the curriculum of field education. The essence of Individualized Teaching Model is introduced, followed by an investigation of three teaching models which are appropriate for field education; Keller's Personalized System of Instruction, Roger's Non-directive Individalized Teaching Model and Slaven's Team-assisted Individualized Teaching Model. lastly, the article attempts to fuse the three individualized teaching models into the socail work field education cruuiculum at Tunghai University and discusses the pros and cons of this infusion from the aspects of course development, teaching methodology, teaching procedure and evaluation respectively.
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