

作者:洪儷瑜 引用關係
作者(外文):Hung, Li-yu
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     視知覺能力在中文閱讀的重要性一直是受爭議的,本研究利用配對比較法,探討 國小二、五年級國語低成就學生的視知覺能力與國語文能力的關係。研究受試取自臺灣北、 中、南、東四區國小二年級及五年級高、低國文成就學童各計 183 名, 其中國語文低成就 學生二、五年級各為 120 及 119 人,配對組的高成就學生二、五年級各為 63、64 人,另 依據國語文能力測驗得分各抽取二、五年級各 93 名為模擬常模代表一般學生。本研究根據 閱讀發展理論與漢字的性質,發展一套「漢字視知覺測驗」,分別測量記憶廣度、記憶廣度 錯誤得分、序列記憶、圖形區辨、文字符號區辨、與部件辨識等六項,另採國語文能力測驗 與閱讀理解測驗兩項評量為效標變項。 研究發現如下:1. 漢字視知覺能力因年級、高低成 就組別而異,五年級的學生顯著高於二年級學生。綜合成就組別與年級一起比較,五年級高 成就組表現最佳,其次是五年級低成就組,再其次為二年級高成就組,二年級低成就組為四 組受試中表現最差的。 2. 漢字視知覺能力能有效預測二、五年級的國語文能力與閱讀理解 ,一般學生或低成就學生均如此,預測關係會依年級與成就組別而異,較穩定的有效預測變 項有記憶廣度、序列記憶和部件辨識三項。
     The study was to explore the relationship between visual perception under Chinese reading system and Chinese competence and reading comprehension of the 2nd- and 5th- graded Chinese poor readers. Four measures were administered in 366 subjects (i.e., 183 for each grade) : 'Checklist of Learning Characteristics,' 'Test of Visual Perception in Chinese (TVPC),' 'Test of Chinese Competence (TCC),' and 'Test of Reading Comprehension (TRC).' Two major findings were concluded: Abilities of visual perception measures by the TVPC differed from grades and Chinese achievement levels. Abilities of visual perception measured by the TVPC were found to be powerful predictors of Chinese competernce and reading comprehension; however, the power of prediction and variables varied from different grades and different Chinese achievement subjects. Recommendations to further studies were made.
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