

作者(外文):Shen, Sheng-ang
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     本文的目的旨在藉回顧七○到九○年間20 篇關於非語言行為之研究,探討以非 語言行為表現偵測個人處於焦慮狀態的可能性,結果顯示非語言行為雖是一可用的焦慮指標 ,不過非語言行為表現與焦慮狀態間仍然有不一致的現象,因此要確認非語言行為表現與焦 慮狀態之關係前,有必要先澄清諸點可能影響以非語言行為表達焦慮狀態的相關因素,本文 以此就三方面來探討,第一,個人在登錄/表達非語言行為訊息之差異;第二,引發焦慮狀態 情境本身的特質;第三,這些研究所採取之研究方法。
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3.Brady, A. T.、Walker, M. B.(1978)。Interpersonal distance as function of situationally induced anxiety。British Journal of Social Clinical Psychology,17,127-133。  new window
4.Burgoon、Kelley、Newton、Keeley-Dyreson(1989)。The nature of arousal and nonverbal indices。Human Communication Research,16(2),217-255。  new window
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33.Nowicki, S.、Duke, M.(1994)。Individual differences in the nonverbal communication of affect: The Diagnostic Analysis of Nonverbal Accuracy Scale。Journal of Nonverbal Behavior,18,9-35。  new window
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41.Siegman, A. W.、Pope, B.(1965)。Effects of question specificity and anxiety producing messsages on verbals fluency in the initial interview。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2,522-530。  new window
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