

作者:方世榮 引用關係
作者(外文):Fang, Shyh-rong
主題關鍵詞:製造策略製造積極性製造策略群組Manufactuning strategyManufacturing proactivenessManufacturing strategy group
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     本文係以製造策略為研究主題,主要目的在於以實證方式探討台灣地區電子╱資 訊產業中製造積極性、製造策略群組與公司績效間的關係。經由多變量統計方法進行分析 後,得出具體的研究結論,茲摘要如下:(1)研究結果發現,屬於製造積極性高的廠商,在 「製造部門主管涉入公司決策的程度」、「製造決策制訂方式」、「製造技術能力提昇方 式」等三項構面上,均優於積極性低的廠商;(2)根據廠商對製造目標重要性的認知,界定 出製造策略群組包括:品質導向群、成本導向群及速度導向群;(3)研究發現製造積極性與 製造策略群組有顯著相關,且製造積極性屬低的廠商較偏向於「成本導向群」;(4)製造積 極性愈高,則公司績效愈佳;(5)速度導向與成本導向群在五項公司績效指標上皆顯著優於 品質導向群。
     This research focus on manufacturing strategy, its purpose is to explore the relation among manufacturing proactiveness, manufacturing strategy group and performance. After empirically verify on the electronic and information industries , we have the following results. (1)The higher the firm's manufacturing proactiveness, the better the firm on three dimensions, "the degree of manufacturing executive involve in corporate decision making process", "the way which manufacturing decision making" and "how to promote manufacture technology skill". (2)There are three manufacturing strategy groups, include "quality-oriented group", "cost-oriented group", and "speed-oriented group". (3)There exist significant relation between manufacturing proactiveness and manufacturing strategy group, and the firms which have lower manufacturing proactiveness tend to be cost-oriented group. (4)The higher the firm's manufacturing proactiveness, the better the firm's performance. (5)The firms which tend to be speed-oriented and cost-oriented groups, have the better performance than the firms of the quality-oriented groups.
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