

作者:林尚平 引用關係郭美凰
作者(外文):Lin, Shang-pingKuo, Mei-huang
主題關鍵詞:組織社會化程度資訊蒐尋行為工作滿足組織承諾人力資源管理Organizational socializationInformation-seeking behaviorJob satisfactionOrganizational commitmentHuman resources management
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     本研究之主要目的為探討重視人力資源之壽險業中,其新進業務人員之資訊蒐尋 行為、組織社會化程度及其工作滿足及組織承諾間之關聯性。在131份之有效問卷中,本研 究以典型相關及階層迴歸分析之方法實證本研究之三個假設,結果發現如下:(1)資訊蒐尋 行為與組織社會化過程間呈現顯著之典型相關關係,即新進者會傾向透過同期同事及單位 外人事、公司文件之方式,蒐集有關組織、群體之訊息,且此行為會增加其在歷史、組織 政治狀況、工作熟練度之組織社會化程度;(2)組織社會化程度與工作滿足及組織承諾間亦 存在顯著典型相關關係,即新進者在人員、組織目標與價值、工作熟練度之構面上程度愈 高,其內在、一般滿足及組織承諾就愈高;(3)增加組織社會化程度之衡量,會增加資訊蒐 尋行為對工作滿足及組織承諾之解釋能力。本研究並根據研究結果提出廣泛之討論與建議 。
     The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among information-seeking behavior, the extent of organization socialization(OS), and related behavior outcomes(BO). There were 131 completed questionnaires. It's found that (1) these's a significant canonical relationship between information- seeking behavior and the extent of OS. The more newcomers seeking about organiza- tion and group information through newcomers and supporting personnel by written literature, the greater OS extent owned by newcomers on history, politics, performance proficiency dimensions; (2) there's a strong significant canonical relationship between the extent of OS and outcomes of BO. The greater newcomers' OS extent on people, organizational goals and values, performance proficiency dimensions, the greater satisfaction and orgamizational commitment owned by newcomers; (3) Adding measurement the OS extent of newcomers, it would increase the accounting variance of information-seeking behavior to OB. Further discussion and suggestions were followed.
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