

作者:余坤東 引用關係
作者(外文):Ye, Kung-don
主題關鍵詞:績效評估認知模式Performance appraisalPerception model
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     本文的目的在以認知的觀點,探討組織中的績效評估活動,並且辨視在此一評估 程序中的重要影響因素。鑑於績效評估在人力資源管理上的重要性,評估效度的提高不僅直 接影響人力資源的素質,亦對企業員工的士氣造成重大影響,本文從過去相關的學術研究中 整理歸納出一個一般性的績效評估認知模式,再以此一模式為基礎,進一步探討模式中各變 項的關聯,同時亦藉由此一模式的建立,指引出此一議題在管理實務與學術研究上的義涵。
     The purpose of this study is to explore the performance appraisal activities in organizations and main factors affect these activities. Since performance appraisal is the core activity of HRM. improve on appraisal validity can increase the quality of HRM and morale of employees. This study reviewed related literature and constructed a general performance appraisal cognition model. According to this model, this study highlights the implications of performance appraisal cognition on both management practice and research.
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