

題名:What Police Can Do about Domestic Violence: Is Arrest Enough and What Can be Learned from the Experience of the United States﹖
作者(外文):Lin, Cheng-hong
主題關鍵詞:家庭暴力逮捕警察Domestic violenceArrestPolice
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     Since largely hidden from public view, domestic violence receives limited attention by the criminal justice system. Only a small proportion of this violence is reported to the police and, unfortunately, many police agencies usually turn their backs on the problem. Police officers are traditionally reluctant to interfere in "family matters" except in some extreme cases. There are two competing perspectives struggling wiht each other on the issue of whether or not police arrest can deter violence. Advocates for victims long demanded that the police make arrests and charge abusers with criminal offenses. On the other hand, others argued that arrest may make suspects more hostile and then abuse the same victim even harder. After examining the relevant research, no strong evidence supports either of the two perspectives. Actually the police face a dilemma in dealing with domestic violence. Before finding out the most effective policy to combat this violence, police agencies should develop several strategies rather than only one pro-arrest policy. This paper suggests that narrowing down the scope of domestic violence to a community level and then adopting a community-based approach might be a feasible way for the police to handle domestic violence cases.
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